Translation of the song Por el agua artist No Te Va Gustar


Por el agua

English translation

Across the water

Agua, vienen por el agua

Water, they come across the water

sólo con crudo no alcanza, no van a disimular

only with raw it won't be enough, they won't pretend

No te parece absurdo discutir si es facho o es zurdo

Don't you think it's absurd to discuss if he's fascist or a leftie

o llorar por los rincones porque existen la droga y los maricones

or to cry in the corners because drugs and faggots exist?

Que te parezca irritante que alguien rece en su mezquita,

That you think it's irritating that someone prays in their mosque

o que le crea a una virgen, o al dios de las estampitas

or that they believe in a virgin or in the God of the little stamps?

Y hasta perder los estribos porque no amo tus colores

And to even lose your temper because I don't love your colours

si no me pongo esa ropa, si no canto esas canciones

if I don't wear those clothes, if I don't sing those songs.

Agua, vienen por el agua

Water, they come across the water

sólo con crudo no alcanza, no van a disimular

only with raw it won't be enough, they won't pretend

Tengo un hijo así chiquito, el también es un rehén,

I have a son, he's so small, he's a hostage, too

lo único que me importa es dejarle todo bien

the only thing that matters to me is to leave everything good for him

lleno de agua hasta el tope, creo que tenés un don

full of water to the brim, I think you have a gift

espero verte a mi lado y en la misma dirección

I hope to see you by my side and in the same direction

Hay algo mucho más grande, tendrías que ir aprendiendo

There's something much bigger, you should start learning

mientras nosotros peleamos, el mundo se está muriendo

while we fight, the world is dying

podés mirar a un costado, podés sentarte en su falda

you can look to one side, you can sit down on its lap

o podés hacerle frente, es espalda con espalda

or you can go upfront, it's back to back

Agua, vienen por el agua

Water, they come across the water

sólo con crudo no alcanza, no van a disimular

only with raw it won't be enough, they won't pretend

Todos a sus puestos, vienen por el agua

Everyone to their places, they come across the water

no van a disimular…

They won't pretend

Agua, vienen por el agua

Water, they come across the water

sólo con crudo no alcanza, no van a disimular

only with raw it won't be enough, they won't pretend

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