Translation of the song An Jodler fürs Christkind artist Sigrid und Marina
An Jodler fürs Christkind
A Yodel for the Christ-child
Jo i woaß net, wos i tuan soll.
Yes, I don't know what I should do.
Hob ka G'schenk, i hob ka Geld.
I have no gift, I have no money
Doch a i mecht gern zum Kindl,
But I'd like to go to the child too.
des zu uns kemm'n auf di Welt.
Who's come to us in the world.
Olle Schafaln san davong'rennt.
All the sheep have run away
'S woar so hell vom Sternleschein.
It was so bright from starlight.
Steh jetzt då mit leeren Händen,
Now I'm standing with empty hands,
woaß net aus und woaß net ein.
I have no idea what I should do. 1
I probier's hoid mit an Jodler,
I'll just try a yodel
des is 'es Oanzige, wås i håb.
That's the only thing that I have.
Sing net z' laut, weil i des Kindl net aufweck'n måg.
I won't sing too loud, because I don't want to wake the child
Hui Diji Dio Dirio Dirio Dirio
Hui Diji Dio Dirio Dirio Dirio
Hui Diji Dio Dirio Dirio Hui Dirio
Hui Diji Dio Dirio Dirio Hui Dirio
Mei, wia 's drin liegt in da Wieg'n,
Oh my, how it lies there in the cradle
goa so siaß und goa so nett,
So very sweet, so very nice,
Is mir voakemmen, åls wenn's Kindl
It seemed to me as if the child
mia zuagezwinkat hätt.
had winked at me.
I probier's hoid mit an Jodler,
I'll just try a yodel
des is 'es Oanzige, wås i håb.
That's the only thing that I have.
Sing net z' laut, weil i des Kindl net aufweck'n måg.
I won't sing too loud, because I don't want to wake the child
Hui Diji Dio Dirio Dirio Dirio
Hui Diji Dio Dirio Dirio Dirio
Hui Diji Dio Dirio Dirio Hui Dirio
Hui Diji Dio Dirio Dirio Hui Dirio
Hui Diji Dio Dirio Dirio Dirio
Hui Diji Dio Dirio Dirio Dirio
Hui Diji Dio Dirio Dirio Hui Dirio
Hui Diji Dio Dirio Dirio Hui Dirio