Translation of the song Rata artist No Te Va Gustar
Piensa, no parecería, pero piensa
He thinks, it doesn't look like it, but he thinks
no te lo tomes como una ofensa
don't be offended
pero no te alcanza con pensar
but it isn't enough to think.
Eve, mueve sus neuronas y no puede
He moves, he moves his neurons and he can't
no puedo entender a que se debe
he can't understand why
quizás te podamos ayudar
maybe we can help you
Dispáranos por favor
Shoot at us, please
si es lo que te hace feliz
if that's what makes you happy
no nos mata tu rencor
your ill feeling doesn't kill us
y vos te querés morir
and you want to die
Ruega, porque sus palabras ya no llegan
He begs because his words don't arrive anymore
tira unas trompadas y patea
he gives a few punches and kicks
pero no le alcanza con patear
but it's not enough to kick
Rata, tiene los valores de una rata
Rat, he has the values of a rat
pero sus palabras no nos matan
but his words do not kill us
y no se lo puede perdonar
and he can't forgive himself
Dispáranos por favor
Shoot at us, please
si es lo que te hace feliz
if that's what makes you happy
no nos mata tu rencor
your ill feeling doesn't kill us
y vos te querés morir
and you want to die
Rata, tiene los valores de una rata
Rat, he has the values of a rat
pero sus palabras no nos matan
but his words do not kill us
y no se lo puede perdonar
and he can't forgive himself
y no se lo puede perdonar
and he can't forgive himself
y no te lo podes perdonar…
and you can't forgive yourself