Translation of the song 花と蝶 artist Keiko Fuji
The Flower and the Butterfly
花が女か 男が蝶か
If a flower is a woman, and a man is a butterfly
蝶のくちづけ うけながら
Catching the kisses of the butterfly
花が散るとき 蝶が死ぬ
When the flower falls, the butterfly dies
そんな恋する 女になりたい
I want to become a woman, who loves like that
花が咲くとき 蝶が飛ぶ
When the flower blossoms, the butterfly flies
蝶が死ぬとき 花が散る
When the butterfly dies, the flower falls
春を競って あでやかに
Fighting against the spring, in their charm
どちらもどちらも 命を賭ける
Both of them, both of them, put their lives on the line
花のいのちは 短いけれど
The life of a flower, is short but,
蝶のいのちも はかなくて
The life of a butterfly too is fleeting
花が散るとき 蝶が死ぬ
When the flower falls, the butterfly dies
そんな恋する 二人になりたい
I want us to become two lovers like that