Translation of the song デジャヴ artist Mafumafu
Déjà Vu
排気ガス それと乖離無く
Not deviating from that of exhaust gas,
宙に浮いて 彷徨って 愛に巻く
Floating in the air, wandering about and being wrapped in love
A fixed exchange rate system under pre-established harmony
Until today, when I put on the guise of a pair
そりゃ愛じゃないという また愛はないという
They say that isn't love, that there's no love again
Apart from those worthless wishes
Just bark like so, and that's the end of that
壊して直し 壊して
Breaking, fixing, only to break again
And thus those pieces of grief were left in my hands
They make up the costly hole in my heart
Looks like it'll never to go back to the way it was
You're not normal
I'm not normal
Since when did I start to feel off?
Nine classes spent fixed on the window frame
A chalk to make others laugh, going so far as to lie
If this is all the world has to offer,
We might just go mad
ねえ なんでなんで 好き勝手
Hey, why, why do you do as you please?
Loving like an infectious disease
期待感未満 哀願ノーカウント
Not meeting expectations, not counting appeals
確定化 囚人のジレンマ
A prisoner’s dilemma set in stone
密売の心臓 行為 願望 取り巻いた蜃気楼
Trafficked hearts, actions, wishes - a surrounding mirage
否応ない後悔 どうだい 脳内 どうだい
How are the unavoidable regrets? How is your brain?
わからないんだよ なんで なんでよ
I don’t know! Why, why?
法定内のナイフ持った 場違いの感覚は主人公
Holding a knife within legality, feeling out-of-place is the main character
震える君は拒否反応 刃先は静脈に続いていく
Shaking, you refuse it; the edge of a blade trailing your veins
この瞳が疼いたのは 既視感だらけの生
Making my eyes throb in pain is a life filled with déjà vu
There was a lot of love that could happen in TV dramas
Should be enough to tide us over, right?
One's last farewell; as though leaving no impression
受信できずに砂嵐が吹いて 滑稽
Unable to get a signal, the screen goes static... comical
In the afterglow of sunset, I'll see you tomorrow
約束 宿題 忘れた者勝ち
Those who forget their promises and homework win
And just like that, again tonight,
I feel like I might spill out from this world
ねえ なんでなんで 好き勝手
Hey, why, why do you do as you please?
Emergency lights at a crooked lifetime
非行 逃避行 オイルライター
Escape, bad behavior, oil lighters
The bomb in your mouth scatters about
秘密裡 売買 等価交換 野次馬の罵声
Secret auctions, transactions, fair exchanges - the jeering from hecklers
否応ない後悔 どうだい 脳内 どうだい
How are the unavoidable regrets? How is your brain?
怖がるんでしょう なんで なんでよ
You're scared, aren't you? Why, why?
法定内のナイフ持って 将来を均等に捌いた
Holding a knife within legality, I diced the future up into even pieces
高い制服まで着こなした奴から 順番に倒れていく
Expensive uniforms and those who dress well - all will fall in turn
今日もボクを蝕むのは 既視感だらけの生
Eating away at me again today is a life filled with déjà vu
虚無 二乗 目新しい物はないや
Emptiness, square roots; nothing I haven't seen already
これ以上 真新しい物はないや
There's nothing brand-new beyond this
羨望 恋情 迷妄 錯綜
Envy, attachment, delusion, complexities
本性 警鐘 未来永劫
Identity, alarms, forevermore
創造 構想 想像 範疇にすぎない
Creation, design, imagination; no more than categories
猜疑心 虚栄心 交配
Suspicion, vanity, mates
Even with their existences tried and true,
誰彼構わず 詮索 操作
You'll still pry into and manipulate anyone at all
どこを探せど 愛は欠乏 救いはない
No matter where I look, there's no salvation from this lack of love
Lend me your hands, and we're off to the warped future
Tormented by the déjà vu that's become too much to bear,
Where should I throw my heart away?
ねえ なんでなんで 好き勝手
Hey, why, why do you do as you please?
Loving like an infectious disease
期待感未満 哀願ノーカウント
Not meeting expectations, not counting appeals
確定化 囚人のジレンマ
A prisoner’s dilemma set in stone
密売の心臓 行為 願望
Trafficked hearts, actions, wishes -
The mirage surrounding me
否応ない後悔 どうだい 脳内 どうだい
How are the unavoidable regrets? How is your brain?
愛しているんでしょ なんで なんでよ
You love me, don't you? Why, why?
なんで なんで なんで なんで
Why oh why oh why oh why
How do we live on?
所詮センキュー メリーバッドエンド
Of course, thank you, Merry Bad End
If you're born, it's pretty much a Dystopia
この瞳が疼いたのは 既視感だらけの生
Making my eyes throb in pain is a life filled with déjà vu