Translation of the song 生まれた意味などなかった artist Mafumafu



English translation

There was no point in me being born

厚紙の箱に捨てられた 命ならば値打ちはないか?

If my life was left to rot in a cardboard box, would it not be worth a damn?

バス停 待合に渦巻く 見て見ぬふりの雑踏

I write down my jumbled-up thoughts as I sit at the bus stop, neglecting the crowd around me

書き損じはどうしようもないが それに勝る反吐が出ないか?

Even though I can't help but screw things up, isn't it pathetic that I could do so much better?

その行方は今日日じゃ 誰も知らない

Thinking like that is common nowadays; nobody seems to get it

母の手を零れた 小さな命は

Falling out of my mother's hands, this insignificant life of mine


Isn't even worthy of being kept in the sidelines


This life of mine that had so much potential


Is incapable of saving a single person


With fingers as deft as ours

救えるものひとつもないのだ 僕たちは

We're still unable to save a single person

底知れた愚鈍な世界だ 書き物に筆を取れども

It's a world full of stupidity; even though I'm only writing them down

ぶちまけたインクのそれが ひどく適切ではないか?

Aren't the thoughts written with that spilled ink awfully relevant?

死にたいかと言われりゃ 特に死ぬほどの孤独でもないが

If I were asked why I'd want to die, I'd say that I don't want to die that badly; I'm just lonely

生きたいか問われたら 何も言えない

But if I were asked why I'd want to live, I wouldn't be able to say anything


Where is the emptiness that suits me so much?


The words that I've started to write are


There was no point in me being born


If I read an unpredictable novel


Would this world where I haven't even finished turning the page still exist?


If we turned around to look at the collapsing scaffolding

明日から何処へ向かうのだろう 僕たちは

Would we wonder where we'd head towards the day after?

アンノウン アンノウン

unknown unknown

「私は誰だ」 「貴方は誰だ」

Who the hell am I? Who the hell are you?

アンノウン アンノウン

unknown unknown

消しては書いて 丸め捨てては

Erasing what I've written, crumpling the pages and throwing them away

アンノウン アンノウン

unknown unknown


I still can't write a single thing by myself


Was there no point in me being born?


Was there no point in me being born?


――There was no point in me being born!


Even if nothing can last forever


Even if there isn't a single person that I can save


Even if there's no point in me being alive


Even if tomorrows will never be forgiving

行かなくちゃ たとえ死に向かって歩いていたって

I have to go; even if I face death, I'll keep on walking

書かなくちゃ 当然余白も残っちゃいないが

I have to write; of course, even though no blank spaces should remain

知らなくちゃ 明日を この途方もない暗晦を

I have to understand them, both my future and the absurd darkness it holds

生きなくちゃ 生きなくちゃ

I have to live! I have to live!


I have to keep on living

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