Ca doi necunoscuti ne comportam
We behave like two strangers with each other
Sunt zile in care nici nu ne mai salutam
There are days in which we don't even greet each other
Nu e cum ne-am promis
It isn't like we promised ourselves
Nici macar la cuprins
Not even at the surface
Asta-i umbra unui vis
This is the shadow of a dream
Ca doi necunoscuti ne comportam
We behave like two strangers with each other
Sunt zile in care nici nu ne mai salutam
There are days in which we don't even greet each other
Nu stim ce cautam
We don't know what we are looking for
Ne certam, ne impacam
We fight, we get back together
Azi, ce vise mai pictam
Today, which other dreams will we paint
Azi, ce vise mai pictam
Today, which other dreams will we paint
Si da, la inceput nu pareai sa fii genul
And yes, at the start, you didn't seem to be the type
Care imi respira tot oxigenul
To breathe all of my oxygen
Da’ la inceput erai alta fata
But at the start you were another girl
Acum nu-i destul nimic niciodata
Now nothing is ever enough
Stii, poate sunt prea mandru
You know, maybe I am too proud
Cand ma lovesc de aroganta ta
When I hit myself with your arrogance
Da’ stii, deja pierdem randul
But you know, we have already lost our chance
La vorbe ce dor, ce ar mai urma ca pot
To hurtful words, which are supposed to be able to
Daca vrei sa fiu
If you want me to be
Ca in visele tale, dar mai tarziu
Like I am in your dreams, but later
Nu ma mai suporti nici tu, pariu
You can't take me anymore, I bet
Daca schimb ce simt, ajung pustiu
If I chance what I feel, I end up desolate
Nu te mai baza pe mine
Don't depend on me anymore
Ca nu te mai pot salva de tine
Because I can't save you from yourself anymore
Am ramas fericiti pe perete
We remained happy people on the walls
Doi necunoscuti intr-o poza veche
Two strangers in an old photo
Si toate se aduna
And everything converges
Da’ tu parca esti nebuna
But it's as if you are insane
Accelerezi in furtuna
You accelerate in the storm
Si habar n-am cine esti
And I have no idea who you are
Da’ cand toate se aduna
But when everything converges
Tot tu parca esti nebuna
It's still as if you are insane
Accelerezi in furtuna
You accelerate in the storm
Bravo, credeam ca te cunosc
Bravo, I thought that I knew you
Ca doi necunoscuti ne comportam
We behave like two strangers with each other
Sunt zile in care nici nu ne mai salutam
There are days in which we don't even greet each other
Nu e cum ne-am promis
It isn't like we promised ourselves
Nici macar la cuprins
Not even at the surface
Asta-i umbra unui vis
This is the shadow of a dream
Ca doi necunoscuti ne comportam
We behave like two strangers with each other
Sunt zile in care nici nu ne mai salutam
There are days in which we don't even greet each other
Nu stim ce cautam
We don't know what we are looking for
Ne certam, ne impacam
We fight, we get back together
Azi, ce vise mai pictam
Today, which other dreams will we paint
Azi, ce vise mai pictam
Today, which other dreams will we paint
Si hai, pune-te putin in locul meu
And come on, put yourself in my shoes, a bit
Cand tu te comporti ca prin liceu
When you behave like you did through high school
Vorbesti mereu, o sa ajung la nebuni
You always talk, I will go crazy
Ca-mi dai mesaj in timp ce ma suni
Because you text me while you talk to me
Si spune-mi unde esti tu, cea de altadata acum
And tell me where you are, the old you, now
Care ma facea un om mai bun
Who made me a better person
Ce-a mai ramas din noi pe drum
Who remained, again, on the path
C-ai vazut de atatea ori
Because you saw so many times
Ca nu pot fi tipul cu flori
That I can't be the type with flowers
Da’ macar am fost acolo, chiar si asa cu capul in nori
But at least I was there, even with my head in the clouds
Si daca tot ce simtim e pe contrasens
And if all that we feel is the wrong way,
Nu bat din palme si totul s-a sters
I don't slap my hands and erase everything
Da’ stim amandoi ca pana si azi
But we both know that until today, too
Te ridic eu, daca ar fi sa cazi
I'd lift you up, if you were to fall
Si toate se aduna
And everything converges
Da’ tu parca esti nebuna
But it's as if you are insane
Accelerezi in furtuna
You accelerate in the storm
Si habar n-am cine esti
And I have no idea who you are
Da’ cand toate se aduna
But when everything converges
Tot tu parca esti nebuna
It's still as if you are insane
Accelerezi in furtuna
You accelerate in the storm
Bravo, credeam ca te cunosc
Bravo, I thought that I knew you
Ca doi necunoscuti ne comportam
We behave like two strangers with each other
Sunt zile in care nici nu ne mai salutam
There are days in which we don't even greet each other
Nu e cum ne-am promis
It isn't like we promised ourselves
Nici macar la cuprins
Not even at the surface
Asta-i umbra unui vis
This is the shadow of a dream
Ca doi necunoscuti ne comportam
We behave like two strangers with each other
Sunt zile in care nici nu ne mai salutam
There are days in which we don't even greet each other
Nu stim ce cautam
We don't know what we are looking for
Ne certam, ne impacam
We fight, we get back together
Azi, ce vise mai pictam
Today, which other dreams will we paint
Azi, ce vise mai pictam
Today, which other dreams will we paint