Translation of the song Dansul banilor artist Vescan


Dansul banilor

English translation

The dance of the money



Daca traiesti doar pentru bani, ai sufletul in faliment/

If you live just for money, you have a bankrupt soul

O viata intreaga aduni, dar parca tot nu-i suficient/

You collect your whole life, but it seems that it still isn't enough

Daca iubirea pentru bani,bani,bani, in lumea ta e sentiment/

If love of money, money, money, in your world is feeling

Ajungi in viata ta absent...iar banii nu sunt pansament/

You become absent in your life . . . and money isn't a bandage

Banii demult au lumea la picioare, daca n-ai visezi pe datorie/

For a long time, money has had the world at its feet, if you don't have it, you dream in debt

Ca banii mereu aduc ganduri murdare, pana si in eroii tai din copilarie/

Because money always breeds dirty thoughts, even in your childhood heroes

Stii ce-i amuzant? ca o facem pe prostii/

You know what's funny? That we do it to fools

Cand banii fac din oameni monstri/

When money turns people into monsters

Ca uneori sunt chiar ai nostri/

Because sometimes even our folks

Rataciti in spatele mastii/

Are lost behind the mask

Am vazut familii care pentru bani/

I've seen families which, for money

Nu se suna, nu vorbesc multi ani/

Don't call each other, don't talk for many years

Ca cica punga lor de arginti/

Because supposedly their bag of silver

Aduce locul pe lista cu oameni fericiti/

Has a spot on the list of happy people

E dansul banilor am invatat cat doare/

It's the dance of the money, I've learned how much it hurts

Cand au cumparat si suflete ce n-au fost de vanzare/

When they even bought souls which weren't for sale

E dansul banilor am invatat cat doare/

It's the dance of the money, I've learned how much it hurts

Cand au cumparat si suflete ce n-au fost...n-au fost de vanzare/

When they even bought souls which weren't, weren't for sale



Daca traiesti doar pentru bani, ai sufletul in faliment/

If you live just for money, you have a bankrupt soul

O viata intreaga aduni dar parca tot nu-i suficient/

You collect your whole life, but it seems that it still isn't enough

Daca iubirea pentru bani,bani,bani, in lumea ta e sentiment/

If love of money, money, money, in your world is feeling

Ajungi in viata ta banii nu sunt pansament/

You become absent in your life . . . and money isn't a bandage

Si banii nu schimba oamenii dar subliniaza caracterul, aduc probleme de tot felul/

And money doesn't change people, but it highlights their character, it brings all sorts of problems

Si zambete false apar la procent, nu pierd apelu' ii controleaza portofelul/

And fake smiles appear at the percent, they don't miss the call, they control their wallets

Da' toti banii din lume nu fac doi bani/

But all the money in the world can't make two cents

Daca n-ai cu cine sa te bucuri, sa imparti/

If you don't have anyone to enjoy life with, to share with

Vad oameni tristi totusi bogati/

I see people who are sad, yet rich

Eu nu zic ca nu tre' sa alergi dupa bani/

I'm not saying that you don't need to run after money

Dar la schimb dai timp, ani/

But in exchange give time, years

Apoi sa-mi zici la batranete/

Then tell me when you're old

Cu ce moneda cumperi alta tinerete?/

With what money can you buy another youth?

E dansul banilor am invatat cat doare/

It's the dance of the money, I've learned how much it hurts

Cand au cumparat si suflete ce n-au fost de vanzare/

When they even bought souls which weren't for sale

Ca dansul banilor te face sa nu mai asculti/

It's the dance of the money, I've learned how much it hurts

Povestea unui om doar pentru ca...o spune descult/

When they even bought souls which weren't, weren't for sale



Daca traiesti doar pentru bani, ai sufletul in faliment/

If you live just for money, you have a bankrupt soul

O viata intreaga aduni dar parca tot nu-i suficient/

You collect your whole life, but it seems that it still isn't enough

Daca iubirea pentru bani,bani,bani, in lumea ta e sentiment/

If love of money, money, money, in your world is feeling

Ajungi in viata ta banii nu sunt pansament/

You become absent in your life . . . and money isn't a bandage

Tu...tu....tu nu vezi cum trec anii?

You, you, don't you see how the years are passing?

Si toata lumea danseaza dupa cum canta banii/

And everyone dances to the money's singing

Tu...tu...tu nu vezi cum trec anii?

You, you, don't you see how the years are passing?

Si toata lumea danseaza dupa cum canta banii/

And everyone dances to the money's singing

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