Translation of the song One life artist Vescan
One life
One life
You got one life
You got one life
You got just one life
You got just one life
Don't waste your growing up
Don't waste your growing up
Don't screw it up
Don't screw it up
Ai doar o viata si ei spun ca-i gratuita
You got one life and they say that it's free
Da la noi la Romania, tre platita
But here in Romania, you've got to pay for it
Ai doar o viata si cica e lunga de tot
You got one life and supposedly it's long
Da-i scurta de tot cand ai cerinte de top
But it's short when you've got top-tier requirements
E viata ta, deci e treaba ta ce faci
It's your life, so it's your business what you do
Daca faci totu cu dreapta chiar si cand esti stangaci
If you do everything with your right hand even if you're left-handed
E, doar o viata, doar tu alegi ce faci
It's just one life, only you decide what to do
Cum sa te imbraci, cand sa vorbesti, sau cand sa taci
How you dress, when you talk, or when you shut up
Si e clar ca poti tre doar sa vrei, problema-i ca n-ai timp destul
And clearly you can, you just have to want it, the problem is that you don't have enough time
Alergi grabit de calendar, presat de ceas, da vezi tu
You run hurriedly from the calendar, pressured by the clock, but you see
Lumea minte, de asta n-ai timp de cuvinte, vrei fapte
The world lies, this is why you don't have time for words, you want facts
Ai doar o viata, cam putin sa poti sa le vezi pe toate
You have just one life, too little for you to see everything
Ai doar o viata deci n-ai timp de povesti
You have just one life, so you don't have time for stories
E lumea lor da tu alegi cine esti
It's their world, but you decide who you are
Doar o viata sa nu uiti ce iubesti
Just one life to not forget who you love
Ca timpu zboara imbatranesti, p'aici cat traiesti platesti
Because time flies, you grow old, this way, you pay for all that you've lived
Stiu ca ce zic restu-i tare, da yo zic sa ai rabdare
I know that what the rest say is great, but I say that you should be right
Sa tragi linii clare intre compromis si rezolvare
You should draw clear lines between compromise and resolution
Pare, totu departe si toti te numesc frate
Everything seems far and everyone calls you bro
Da daca bati pasu pe loc, toti bat pasu in alta parte
But if you stall, everyone else will stall elsewhere
Asa ca, stai linistit se poate au demonstrat-o altii
So, stay calm, it's possible, others have demonstrated it
Poti fi liber, fericit, chiar si intre atatea conspiratii
You can be free, happy, even among so many conspiracies
Tre sa stii exact ce vrei, sa inveti ca succesu vine
You've got to know exactly what you want, to learn that success comes
Doar daca transpiri muncind, si nu pupi in cur pe nimeni
Only if you sweat working, and if you don't kiss anyone's ass