Translation of the song Pierde tot anu' artist Vescan


Pierde tot anu'

English translation

Wasted the whole year

N-am fost un pierde-vara

I didn't waste the summer

Am fost un pierde tot anu’

I wasted the whole year1

Si daca vorbeai de viitor

And if you talked about the future

Dadeam cu banu’

I'd flip a coin

N-am fost un pierde-vara

I didn't waste the summer

Am fost un pierde tot anu’

I wasted the whole year

Ieseam din club mereu

I always left the club

Deodata cu barmanu’

All of a sudden with the bartender

Pierde tot anu’..

I wasted the whole year

Sunt pierde tot anu’

The whole year

Si mi-amintesc c-a fost o zi prin studentie

And I remember, it was a day in my school years

Cand ma trezeau dupa-masa din nou

When the alarms woke me up in the afternoon again

Alarmele, din betie

From my drunkenness

Haah, mahmur fara bani

Ha, hungover without money

C-am baut cu tot clubu’, cu tot cu barmani

Because I drank with the whole club, with everyone, even the bartenders

Cu tot cu dusmani

With everyone, even my enemies

Si ce ma mai distram, dansam si cantam

And how much fun I had, dancing and singing

It’s my life, cu doi-trei nebuni

It's my life, with two, three lunatics

Echipa de soc, de Luni pana Luni

The Strike Team from Monday to Monday

Party non-stop, cam asta a fost planu’

Party non-stop, this was pretty much the plan

Altii, pierde-vara, noi, pierde tot anu’

Others waste the summer, we waste the whole year

Hai DJ, da muzica tare pentru noptile pierdute, ey

Hey, DJ, turn up the music for the lost nights

Si pentru sticlele goale cateva minute, e-ey

And for the empty classes for a few minutes

Da’ nu-i nimic, am mai fost eu pe-aici

But it's nothing, I've been here before

Sa sparg intr-o seara cat nu fac in cinci

To bust open in a night more than I do in five

Cu niste amici si sticla complice

With some buddies and the bottle my co-conspirator

Pana nimeni nu poa’ sa se mai ridice

Until nobody can get up again

Pierde-vara, pierde tot anu’

Waste the summer, waste the whole year

Felicitari mie c-am reusit

Congrats to me, for I have succeeded

Sa mai bifez o zi in care nu fac nimic

To check off another day in which I did nothing

N-am fost un pierde-vara

I didn't waste the summer

Am fost un pierde tot anu’

I wasted the whole year

Si daca vorbeai de viitor

And if you talked about the future

Dadeam cu banu’

I'd flip a coin

N-am fost un pierde-vara

I didn't waste the summer

Am fost un pierde tot anu’

I wasted the whole year

Ieseam din club mereu

I always left the club

Deodata cu barmanu’

All of a sudden with the bartender

Pierde tot anu’..

I wasted the whole year

Sunt pierde tot anu’

The whole year

Se mai intampla sa n-am chef de lume

It happens that I don't feel like being around other people

Prima cafea, cand soarele apune

The first coffee, when the sun goes down

Problemele pot sa se-adune

The problems can build up

Alarma poate sa sune

The alarm can ring

Apeluri de la iubita, mesaje

Calls from the girlfriend, messages

Ca cica-i dezamagita

Because supposedly she's disappointed

Unde ai fost, de ce, si cu cine

Where were you, why, and with who

Iubi, daca nu stii, mi-e mai bine

Love, if you don't know, I'm better off

Hop, cu greu ma ridic din pat

Hop, with difficulty I get out of bed

Cu cele mai proaste dureri de cap

With the worst headache

Pe unde am umblat, oare ce s-a-ntamplat

Where did I go, what even happened

Pe cine sa-ntreb daca m-am si distrat

Who should I ask if I also had fun

Ca merg in zig-zag

Because I go in zig-zag

La ce bar am lasat

To the bar where I left

Toti banii de chirie

All my rent money

Si cum gasesc un prieten

And how can I find a friend's place

La care inca n-am datorie

Where I don't have a debt

Zi tu..

Tell me . . .

Da’ nu-i nimic, am mai fost eu pe-aici

But it's nothing, I've been here before

Sa sparg intr-o seara cat nu fac in cinci

To bust open in a night more than I do in five

Cu niste amici si sticla complice

With some buddies and the bottle my co-conspirator

Pana nimeni nu poa’ sa se mai ridice

Until nobody can get up again

Pierde-vara, pierde tot anu’

Waste the summer, waste the whole year

Felicitari mie c-am reusit

Congrats to me, for I have succeeded

Sa mai bifez o zi in care nu fac nimic

To check off another day in which I did nothing

N-am fost un pierde-vara

I didn't waste the summer

Am fost un pierde tot anu’

I wasted the whole year

Si daca vorbeai de viitor

And if you talked about the future

Dadeam cu banu’

I'd flip a coin

N-am fost un pierde-vara

I didn't waste the summer

Am fost un pierde tot anu’

I wasted the whole year

Ieseam din club mereu

I always left the club

Deodata cu barmanu’

All of a sudden with the bartender

Pierde tot anu’..

I wasted the whole year

Sunt pierde tot anu’

The whole year

E dimineata, asta nu-i patu’ meu

It's morning, this isn't my bed

Nici ceasul meu

This isn't even my clock

Parca nu sunt eu, vad un trandafir

It's as if I'm not me, I see a rose

Si-un sutien cat o husa de tir

And a bra as big as a truck cover

Am telefonu’, da’ n-am pantalonii

I have my phone, but I don't have my pants

Ma uit pe story, shot-uri cu Flory

I look at my Story, shots with Flory

Ce-am facut azi-noapte c-am zero memorii

What did I do last night, because I have zero memories

Stai o secunda, who the f**k is Flory

Wait a second, who the fuck is Flory?

Pierde-vara, daaa

Wasted the summer, yeah

Pierde tot anu’

Wasted the whole year

Pierde-vara, daaa

Wasted the summer, yeah

Sunt pierde tot anu’

I wasted the whole year

N-am fost un pierde-vara

I didn't waste the summer

Am fost un pierde tot anu’

I wasted the whole year

N-am fost un pierde-vara

I didn't waste the summer

Am fost un pierde tot anu’

I wasted the whole year

N-am fost un pierde-vara

I didn't waste the summer

Am fost un pierde tot anu’

I wasted the whole year

Ieseam din club mereu

I always left the club

Deodata cu barmanu’…

All of a sudden with the bartender

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