Translation of the song Plecati din capul meu artist Vescan
Plecati din capul meu
Get out of my head
Rau sau bun, ma-ntreb cine sunt eu
Bad or good, I wonder who I am
Ce se-ntampla in capul meu
What's going on in my mind
Zi sau noapte, va certati mereu
Day or night, you always fight
Va certati in capul meu
You're fighting in my mind
Plecati din capul meu
Get out of my head
Ok, ati ajuns amandoi, luati loc
Ok, you both came, take a seat
N-am vrut sa va deranjez, da’ nu mai pot
I didn't wanna disturb you, but I can't no more
Sa va suport, vorbiti unul peste altul mereu
To listen you two, you're both always talking in the same time
Si vorbiti in capul meu
And you're talking in my head
Unul rau, unul bun, da’ cui pot sa-i spun
One is bad, one is good, but who can I tell this to
Ca vorbesc cu voi, fara sa par nebun
Coz I'm talking to you, without looking like i'm insane
Unul zicea sa ma-ntorc la ea
One was telling me 'Go back to her'
Celalalt, s-o las, sa plec in p*la mea
The other one leave her, go the f*ck away
Tu, tu, hai sa ti amintesc
You, you, let me remind you
An dupa an, m-ai facut sa iubesc
Year by year, made me love
Oameni care mai apoi ma ranesc
People who later are gonna hurt me
Ce vrei acum, sa le si multumesc
What do you expect now, me saying 'thanks' to them?
Si tu, tu, sa nu mai vorbesc
And you, you, don't make me say things now
Pe ce drumuri gresite ma pui sa ratacesc
You're making me wander on such wrong ways
Ajung sa ma detest, printre vicii si-apoi
I've come to hate myself, through the vices and then
Ma lasi sa caut singur drumu-napoi
You let me search the way back by myself
Rau sau bun, ma-ntreb cine sunt eu
Bad or good, I wonder who I am
Ce se-ntampla in capul meu
What's going on in my mind
Zi sau noapte, va certati mereu
Day or night, you always fight
Va certati in capul meu
You're fighting in my mind
Plecati din capul meu
Get out of my head
Plecati din capul meu
Get out of my head
Plecati, ce parte n-ati inteles
Get out, which part of it didn't you understand
Din capul meu vreti, vreti sa va desenez
From my head, you want me to sketch this for you
Ca nimeni nu va vede, nimeni nu v-aude
Coz no one sees you, no one hears you
Fara misto, singuru prost sunt eu
No joking, the only fool is me
Ca tu, evident, te gandesti doar la tine
Coz you, obviously, care only about yourself
S-o duca toti rau, daca tu esti bine
Let all have bad times, as long as you are good
Rece si lacom
Cold and greedy
Dar nu ma recunosc, cand te-ascult sunt alt om
But I can't recognize myself, when I listen to you I'm a different man
Tu, zi de zi baiatu’ bun te crezi
You, day by day, think you're the good guy
Dar nu poti sa fii mereu domnul corect
But you can't always be Mister Right
Ca nu sunt perfect, am greseli din privire
Coz I'm not perfect, I have flows, from the look in my eyes
As vrea sa pot sa rezolv tot cu iubire
I'd like to solve everything with love
Ma simt strain prin propriile ganduri
I feel like a stranger through my own thoughts
Nimic n-are sens, nici macar printre randuri
Nothing makes sense, not even between the lines
Ca va certati ca doi copii mereu
Coz you're always fighting like two kids
Hai, lua-ti-va de mana si plecati din capul meu
Come on, take eachother's hands and get out of my head
Rau sau bun, ma-ntreb cine sunt eu
Bad or good, I wonder who I am
Ce se-ntampla in capul meu
What's going on in my mind
Zi sau noapte, va certati mereu
Day or night, you always fight
Va certati in capul meu
You're fighting in my mind
Plecati din capul meu
Get out of my head
Plecati din capul meu
Get out of my head
Prea multe voci aud de prea mult timp
Too many voices I hear for too long
Sentimente ciudate si ganduri straine, habar n-am ce simt
Crazy feelings and strange thoughts, I got no idea what I feel
Prea multe voci aud si nu nteleg nimic
Too many voices I hear and I can't understand anything
Ma sufoca peretii si nu mai am aer
The walls are sufocating me and I got no air anymore
Plecati din capul meu
Get out of my head
Plecati din capul meu
Get out of my head
Plecati din capul meu
Get out of my head
Din capul meu
Of my head
Din capul meu
Of my head
Din capul meu
Of my head
Plecati din capul meu
Get out of my head
Pentru tot ce fac, ca un minim, un sfat
For everything I go, like a minimal, an advice
Vocile din cap niciodata nu tac
The voices from my head will never shut up
Rau, bun, bun, rau, n-am mai numarat
Bad, good, good, bad, I wasn't counting
La cat de des o dati in bara voi si eu sunt vinovat
For how many times you f*cked things up and I'm the one who pays
Asa ca pa, ne mai vedem noi candva
So bye, see you sometime
Fara voi, sigur sunt cea mai buna varianta a mea
Without you two, alone I'm my best version of me
Am refuzat sa cred mereu
I always refused to believe
Ca la finalul zilei voi doi sunteti eu
That at the end of the day you both are actually me.