Translation of the song Moomin Opening (Slovene) artist Moomin (OST)


Moomin Opening (Slovene)

English translation

Moomin Opening

Moomini so k nam prišli

The Moomins have come to us

Obiska vsak se veseli

Everyone's looking forward to their visit

Posedite z menoj še vi

Sit down with me

Da TV bomo gledali

So that we can watch TV





Podaj mi roko, brž z menoj

Give me your hand, quickly come with me

Popeljem tja te v Moomindol

I'll take you to the Moominland

Kakor ptič boš poletel

You'll fly like a bird

In kakor slavček boš zapel

And sing like a nightingale

Z Moomini

With Moomins

Z Moomini

With Moomins

Ja, z Moomini

Yes, with Moomins

Da, prav z Moomini

Yes, with Moomins

Z Moomini

With Moomins

Ja, prav z Moomini

Yes, with Moomins

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