Translation of the song Engaña artist Gustavo Cerati
Todo comenzó en un cuarto que olvidé
Everything started in a room I forgot
el roce de la seda la despertaba...
the touch of the silk woke her up...
Frente al ventanal nos pusimos a jugar
In front of the large window we started playing
a decirnos la verdad que más engaña saber.
to tell the truth that misleads the most to know.
Recuerdo el mar soñé estar aquí
I remembered the sea I dreamed to be here
y no recuerdo despertar.
and I don't remember to wake up.
Empieza bien y no hay retorno a aquél furor
It starts well and there's no return to that frenzy
se rompe la canción apenas duele.
the song breaks it barely aches.
Tal vez me engañe y es el riesgo de correr
Maybe I mislead myself and it's the risk of running
no puedo competir con la real locura, oh no.
I can't compete with real madness, oh no.
Recuerdo el mar soñé estar aquí
I remembered the sea I dreamed to be here
y no recuerdo despertar.
and I don't remember to wake up.
Ya no confiaba despertar.
I didn't trust in waking up.
Tal vez engañe (engaña)...
Maybe I mislead...