Translation of the song まぬけなキューピット artist Candies
Stupid Cupid
おちゃめで いたずらなキューピット
Cupid, you rascal prankster
あなたに お願いが あるの
I have a request for you
前は とても やさしかったけど
Before you were so tender
今では とても いじわるね
But now you're malicious
いつも いとしい彼を バス停で 見ていると
Every time I see my lovely man at the bus station
胸がドキドキしてくるの 恋をしている私
My chest beats fast, I'm in love
Hey hey, set me free
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
そこへ 君が 現れて 白い羽根を広げて
There you appear opening your white wings
目の前を まっくらに 見えなくして しまうのよ
And all gets dark, I can't see anything
Hey hey, set me free
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
恋になやんでいるのに わかってくれない
Though I'm worried about love, you don't understand
天使は恋を むすんでくれる はずなのに邪魔するなんて
Angels are supposed to tie love, but you are a hindrance
I want to tar your wings up so you can't fly
そうすれば 二人の中に はいることはできないから
Since you can't get into both of us
Hey hey, set me free
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
あなたは ロビン・フッドの森で 遊んでいてよ
Go play in the Robin Hood's forest
もうこれ以上 私の恋の じゃまはしないで
Don't obstruct my love anymore
Hey hey, set me free
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
恋になやんでいるのに わかってくれない
Though I'm worried about love, you don't understand
天使は恋を むすんでくれる はずなのに邪魔するなんて
Angels are supposed to tie love, but you are a hindrance
あなたは ロビン・フッドの森で 遊んでいてよ
Go play in the Robin Hood's forest
もうこれ以上 私の恋の じゃまはしないで
Don't obstruct my love anymore
Hey hey, set me free
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me