Translation of the song E OK artist Mark Stam
It's OK
Strofa 1.
Verse 1:
Sunt doar un simplu trecator,
I'm just a simple passerby,
Ce-si cauta un loc prin lume,
Looking for a place in the world,
As vrea sa ma trezesc din somn,
I'd like to wake up from sleep,
Dar somnul asta pare a fi pe bune.
But this sleep seems to be for real.
Si tot mai des,
And more and more often,
Ascund sub zambete,
I hide under smiles,
Atatea strigate,
So many shouts,
Dar vreau sa stii
But I want you to know
Ca e Ok cateodata sa plangi,
That it's OK to cry,
Sa rupi din tine picaturi din ceea ce simti,
To break pieces of what you feel from you,
Sa cauti brate moi pentru ai tai umeri grei,
To look for warm arms for your heavy shoulders,
E Ok sa nu fii Ok.
It's OK to not be OK.
Strofa 2.
Verse 2:
Pe zi ce trece tot mai tristi,
Sadder each day that passes,
Si fericiti numai in poze,
And only happy in photographs,
Ca un decor lipsit de spirit,
Like a decoration lacking any spirit,
Spunem ca-i ,,Bine” chiar daca nu e.
We say it's OK even if it isn't.
Si tot mai des,
And more and more often,
Ascund sub zambete,
I hide under smiles,
Atatea strigate,
So many shouts,
Dar vreau sa stii
But I want you to know
Ca e Ok cateodata sa plangi,
That it's OK to cry,
Sa rupi din tine picaturi din ceea ce simti,
To break pieces of what you feel from you,
Sa cauti brate moi pentru ai tai umeri grei,
To look for warm arms for your heavy shoulders,
E Ok sa nu fii Ok.
It's OK to not be OK.
Am stat prea mult pe drumul visurilor sparte,
I've stayed too long on the road of broken dreams,
Uitand ca viata nu opreste, dar merge mai departe,
Forgetting that life doesn't stop, but moves forward,
Cand norii grei se lasa iar prin ganduri, pare
When heavy clouds settle on your thoughts again, it seems
Ca dupa aceasta ploaie n-asteapta nici un soare
Like after this rain, don't expect any sun
Si e Ok cateodata sa plangi,
And it's OK to cry,
Sa rupi din tine picaturi din ceea ce simti,
To break pieces of what you feel from you,
Sa cauti brate moi pentru ai tai umeri grei,
To look for warm arms for your heavy shoulders,
E Ok sa nu fii Ok.
It's OK to not be OK.