Translation of the song Privirea ta artist Mark Stam


Privirea ta

English translation

Your gaze

Strofa 1.

Verse 1

Trăiești pentru ea,

You live for her,

Strângi la doi,

You collect for two,

În pieptul tău,

In your chest,

Mii de vise,

Thousands of dreams.

Prezentul ei,

Her present,

E-n trecut,

Is in the past,

E ascuns,

It's hidden

În culise.




Nopțile, ce le-am servit la doi,

The nights, which we served for two,

N-am făcut parte din ele,

We weren't part of them

Cât ele din noi

As much as they were a part of us



Privirea ta,

Your gaze,

Lasă doar arsuri pe pielea mea,

Just leaves burns on my skin,

Tu spune-mi cum de am ajuns asa,

Tell me how we ended up this way,

Doi stranieri ce își vor cauta

Two strangers who will look for their

Culorile-n privirea altora.

Colors in the gazes of others.

Strofa 2.

Verse 2

Lași în urma,

Leave behind,

Suflete rupte,

Broken souls,

Ca frunze căzute.

Like fallen leaves.

Ții la spate,

You have, on your back,

Rănile vechi,

Old wounds,

Aripi legate.

Bound wings.



Nopțile, ce le-am servit la doi,

The nights, which we served for two,

N-am făcut parte din ele, cât ele din noi

We weren't part of them. as much as they were a part of us



Privirea ta,

Your gaze,

Lasă doar arsuri pe pielea mea,

Just leaves burns on my skin,

Tu spune-mi cum de am ajuns asa,

Tell me how we ended up this way,

Doi stranieri ce își vor cauta

Two strangers who will look for their

Culorile-n privirea altora.

Colors in the gazes of others.

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