Translation of the song Vina Mea artist Mark Stam
Vina Mea
My fault
Poți să-mi dai si cerul ,
You can give me even the sky,
Poți să-mi dai si ochii daca ai vrea ,
You can even give me your eyes if you would like,
Pustiul din privirea mea.
The kid of my gaze.
Poti sa-mi dai si lacrima
You can even give me your tear
S-alunece pe gat ca un cutit
To slide along my throat like a knife
Si sa ma-nece bine
And to drown me well
Ca tu plangi langa mine
Because you cry next to me
Si ard,
And I burn,
Cu o mie de vise pe minut,
With a thousand dreams per minute,
Tot ce-am planuit s-avem dar n-am avut,
All that we planned to have but didn't have,
Si te simt,
And I feel you,
E vina mea , vina mea ca eu sunt asa
It's my fault, my fault that I am this way
E Vina mea si te las tu sa ma strapungi cu ea X2
It's my fault and I leave you to pierce me with her
Sa bati la nesfarsit in inima care s-a oprit
To beat endlessly in the heart which stopped
Strofa 2—
Verse 2:
trei metri mai jos de podea ,
Three meters below the floor,
ingropam noi ,
We bury
minciuna ,,eu tot simt ceva”
The lie, I still feel something,
Cu lacrimi in ochi , te-ascunzi in sine,
With tears in your eyes, you hide in yourself
Sufoci in palma fluturii hraniti de mine
You suffocate in your palm the butterflies fed by me
Si-arunci din mana ta ,
And you throw with your hand
Umbra taiata de la forma ce-ti spunea
The shadow cut from the form which told you
,,Asta e el “ butonul pentru detonare,
This is it the button for detonation,
Iar tu-l apesi stiind ca o sa doara tare.
And you press it, knowing that it will hurt badly.
E vina mea , vina mea ca eu sunt asa
It's my fault, my fault that I am this way
E Vina mea si te las tu sa ma strapungi cu ea X2
It's my fault and I leave you to pierce me with her
Sa bati la nesfarsit in inima care s-a oprit
To beat endlessly in the heart which stopped
Tu las-o sa bata,
Leave it to beat,
In culori indecise,
In undecided colors,
Si lasa ochii deschisi,
And leave your eyes open,
Pentru privirile aprinse.
For bright gazes.
E vina mea , vina mea ca eu sunt asa
It's my fault, my fault that I am this way
E Vina mea si te las tu sa ma strapungi cu ea X2
It's my fault and I leave you to pierce me with her
Sa bati la nesfarsit in inima care s-a oprit
To beat endlessly in the heart which stopped