Translation of the song Cold Night artist ØFFSHORE
Cold Night
Cold Night
I try to spend my days like nothing happened
But it doesn't work
My heart is getting cold
In endless memories of you
시린내맘(i’m falling down)
My cold heart (I'm falling down)
괜스레 방온도를 높여봐
I try to raise up the room temperature
The night sky I shared with you that day
As we laid down
Those times cover me up
너없는공허한방에 온도를올려봐도
Even if I try to raise the temperature in this hollow, empty room without you
I guess it can't help but get colder
baby i didn’t know
Baby I didn't know
what to do when i lose you
What to do when I lose you
I thought everything would be okay
I thought you wouldn't leave
baby i didn’t know
Baby I didn't know
what to do when i lose you
What to do when I lose you
Lonely night
cold tonight
Cold tonight
남들과 다르다고
Saying I'm different to others
Those words I say like a habit
I've started to hate myself for that
It turned into poison and I lost you
Not knowing I would be regretting
Despite making endless plans
Despite meeting countless people
어디에도 집중을못해
I can't focus on anything
맘은너와의추억속에 (떠도네)
My heart is floating around in my memories with you
Because I lost you
I'm turning into ice
Come back to me
Embrace me and melt my heart
baby i didn’t know
Baby I didn't know
what to do when i lose you
What to do when I lose you
I thought everything would be okay
I thought you wouldn't leave
baby i didn’t know
Baby I didn't know
what to do when i lose you
What to do when I lose you
Lonely night
cold tonight
Cold tonight
상처받고 싶지 않다고 너에게 상처를 줬었네
I said I didn't want to get hurt then I ended up hurting you instead
목소릴 높일수록 내 안의 외로움은 더 커졌네
The more we raised our voice, the loneliness in my heart only grew
방패로 충분할 줄 알았지만 다들 창을 들어 왜
I thought my shield was enough but everyone raises spears, why
우리가 남이 된다 해도
Even if we become strangers
난 이제 내 인생이 제일로 중요해
My life is the most important to me now
지금 내 심장은 무슨 색
What color is my heart now?
연기가 부족해 이쁜 노랠 부르기엔
Not enough smoke to sing pretty songs
내 감정을 그대로 받아줄 미래로
To the future that will accept my emotions as they are
난 걍 과속으로 pull up 해
I pull up speeding
정답이 되려고 오답을 만듬 다 그런 식
Creating wrong answers to the be the right answer, that's how everything is
어차피 안 들려 너넨 현실에 묻혔지
Can't hear anyway, you all are buried in reality
U turn 할 수 없어
Can't make a U turn
난 걍 들이박아
I just crash in
벽을 올려세워
I build a wall
여긴 화살뿐이잖아
There are only arrows here
I don't even getting high no more
I don't even getting high no more
I don't even getting high no more
I don't even getting high no more