Translation of the song لا تكابر artist Fouad Abdulwahed
لا تكابر
Don't fool yourself
لا تكابر ما انته قدي
Don't fool your self 1, you're not strong enough to confront me
شوف شوكي قبل وردي
Consider my thistles before you consider my roses
ولا تفكر إنك أقوى
Don't think you're stronger (than me)
وتغرق في بحر التحدي
Then you'll drown in the sea of confrontation
غيــب ..
Leave ..
غيب عن نظرة عيوني
Let me not see you for a while
زيد من شكي وظنوني
Feed my suspicious thoughts and doubts
وعيش لو تقدر بدوني
And live if you can without me
عيش وحدك، وأنا وحدي
Live alone, and I'll live alone
ولا تفكر إنك أقوى
Don't think you're stronger
وتغرق في بحر التحدي
Then you'll drown in the sea of confrontation
لا ما انته قدي
No you're not strong enough to confront me
أنا لو منك ومني
If I were you, If I were me
نعترف إنك وإني
I'd confess, that you and I
نصفنا يكمل بعضنا
Complete each other halvs
غصب عنك، وغصب عني
Against your well, and against mine 2
ولا تفكر إنك أقوى
Don't think you're stronger
وتغرق في بحر التحدي
Then you'll drown in the sea of confrontation
لا ما انته قدي
No you're not strong enough to confront me
Give me ..
هات يدك، وهذه يدي
Give me your hand, and take mine
كان ودك، أنا ودي
If you want it, I want it too 3
واترك غرورك تراه
And leave your ego a side
لا يجيب ولا يودي
Your ego makes no difference
ولا تفكر إنك أقوى
Don't think you're stronger
وتغرق في بحر التحدي
Then you'll drown in the sea of confrontation
لا ما انته قدي
No you're not strong enough to confront me