Translation of the song Istella artist Maria Luisa Congiu
A Star
Dae cando so naschida
Since I was born
Una ‘oghe intendia, prena 'e armonia
I’ve heard a very harmonious voice,
Una ‘oghe tantu rara
A voice so precious
Chi in dogni mamentu faghet cumpagnia
That keeps company at any time.
M’as cumpridu, m’as pesadu,
You raised me, you grew me up
Amore m’as dadu, affetu e allegria
You gave me love, affection and joy,
Cussizos bonos pro sighire bene
Good advices to go on well
In sos passos de custa vida.
In the steps of this life.
Ma’, in su coro t’intendo costante
Mom, I feel you steadily in my heart
E mi faghes cumpagnia.
And you keep me company.
Sa peraula prus bella 'e su mundu
I say that the most beautiful word
Naro chi est mama ebbia.
In the world is only “mother”.
O mama, istella rara,
Oh mother, precious star,
Iscurta su chi ti naran custas laras.
Listen to what these lips are telling you.
O mama, istella rara,
Oh mother, precious star,
Iscurta su chi ti naran custas laras!
Listen to what these lips are telling you!
Narat su ditzu: chie tenet mama
The proverb says: whoever has a mother
No at a prànghere mai.
will never cry.
Issa est sa 'oghe sintzera 'e s’amore
She is the sincere voice of love
Chi illèpiat 'ogni dolore.
That relieves every pain.
Ma si ti mancat sa mama,
But if you miss your mother,
Mancari a chent’annos, su dolore est mannu,
Even if a hundred years old, your sorrow is great,
Non passat ora ne mese ne annu
No hour or month or year passes
Chena invocare: oh mama mia!
Without invoking: oh, my dear mother!
Ma’ in su chelu ti miro costante
Mom, I watch you steadily in heaven
E mi faghes cumpagnia.
And you keep me company.
Dae sa volta zeleste
From the heavenly vault
Serena tue m’inditas sa via
You serenely show me the way.
O mama, istella rara,
Oh mother, precious star,
Iscurta su chi ti naran custas laras.
Listen to what these lips are telling you.
O mama, dae Chelu intende
Oh mother, from heaven hear
S’amore chi como pro te so cantende!
The love that I’m singing for you!
Ma’ de totus sas istellas de chelu,
Mom, of all the stars in the sky
Tue ses sa menzus ghia!
You are the best guide!
Pro cant’apo a tenner alenu 'e vida
As long as I’ll have a breath of life
Apo a narrere: oh mama mia!
I will say: oh, my dear mother!
Apo a narrere: mama,
I will say: mama,
Ses tue sola mama,
Only you are mama
Ti cherzo 'ene mama mia (x3)
I love you my mama (x3)