Translation of the song Drandofilat artist Elvana Gjata
The roses
Drandofilat ty mbrapsht t'i kam dhën',
I've sent you back the roses,
Krejt t'i kam dhën', po nuk më bën,
All of them I've sent, but it doesn't work anymore,
Se asnjë shije të ëmbël s'ma lën':
Because no sweet taste they leave for me:
Keq më vjen, por s'ma kan' lënë.
I'm sorry, but they haven't left me [that taste].
Un' apo ti: kujt' më shum' i dham'?
Me or you: to whom did we give more?
Un' apo ti si nat' pa hën'…
I or you, [who] is like night without a moon?
Për dashurin' a po pin?
Are you drinking for love?
Ndoshta po e hek mërzin'?
Maybe it's taking away the sadness?
Për dashurin' apo vetmin':
For love or for loneliness:
Cilën më shum' po e nin?
Which one are you feeling more?
Se jetën tënde jetova,
Since I lived your life,
Vetës pak keq i dhurova…
I gave myself a little [bit of] bad [situations]…
Ma ah, ma ke bo mir',
To me ah, to me you've done it well1,
Ma ke bo mir'!
To me you have done well!
Ma ah, ma ke bo mir',
To me ah, to me you've done it well,
Ma ke bo mir'!
To me you have done well!
Drandofilat e tu nuk mbajn' më,
Your roses don't hold [life] anymore,
E petalet i kan' rënë,
And their petals have fallen,
Se asnjë shije të ëmbël s'ma lën',
Because no sweet taste they leave for me:
Keq më vjen por s'ma kan' lënë.
I'm sorry, but they haven't left me [that taste].
Un' apo ti: kujt' më shum' i dham'?
Me or you: to whom did we give more?
Un' apo ti si nat' pa hën'…
I or you, [who] is like night without a moon?
Për dashurin' a po pin?
Are you drinking for love?
Ndoshta po e hek mërzin'?
Maybe it's taking away the sadness?
Për dashurin' apo vetmin':
For love or for loneliness:
Cilën më shum' po e nin?
Which one are you feeling more?
Se jetën tënde jetova,
Since I lived your life,
Vetës pak keq i dhurova…
I gave myself a little [bit of] bad [situations]…
Ma ah, ma ke bo mir',
To me ah, to me you've done it well,
Ma ke bo mir'!
To me you have done well!
Ma ah, ma ke bo mir',
To me ah, to me you've done it well,
Ma ke bo mir'!
To me you have done well!