Translation of the song 風のメルヘン artist Circus (Japan)
märchen of the wind
When I see you acting like a child,
私は小さな 海になる
I will become a small sea.
遠い過去から 私たち
I feel like we are in love with each other
愛してたような 気がするの
from the distant past.
胸に火照(ほて)った 耳を当てれば
If you put your burning ears on my chest,
せつなくてあたたかい 生命(いのち)のひびき
there will be a painful and warm sound of life.
都会の風は 気まぐれで
The urban wind is capricious,
今にも別れが 来そうだけど
And it looks like we're about to break up in any moment.
花が散っては 咲くように
As if the flowers scatter and bloom.
このつぎの人生も 会いましょう
Let us meet in the next life.
めぐり逢うのが 遅すぎたけど
It was too late for us to meet each other,
それだけきれいね この今が
but that makes how beautiful this is now.
結ばれなくて かまわない
It doesn't matter if we don't join together,
幸せだけが 残るもの
because only happiness remains.
人間(ひと)が生れて 愛をおぼえて
People will be born, and learn love.
私たち何度めの 恋人かしら
I wonder how many times we are lovers.
あかりがにじむ 窓ごとに
In each window where the light bleeds,
いろんな顔した 愛がゆれる
Love sways with various faces.
誰もが時の 河をゆく
Everyone goes on the river of time.
さみしくて ひたむきな旅人
They are lonely and dedicated travelers.
都会の風は 気まぐれで
The urban wind is capricious,
今にも別れが 来そうだけど
And it looks like we're about to break up in any moment.
花が散っては 咲くように
As if the flowers scatter and bloom.
このつぎの人生も 会いましょう
Let us meet in the next life.