Translation of the song احلى هدية artist Reham Abd Elhakim
احلى هدية
The Best Gift
انا اتعودت يوم ما قابلته ابقى معاه
I got used to being with him since the day I met him
ويمسك ايدي ويقولي ان انا وحشاه
and he holds my hands and tells me he's missed me
ويسألني انتي بتحبيني اجري قوام
and asks: Do you love me? I run right away
وفي حضنه انام واقولله انا آه
into his arms and I tell him: Yes
يبوسني في ايدي ويقولي انه اسعد حد
He kisses my hand and tells me that he is the happiest person
وان هوايا احلى هدية جاتله بجد
And that my love is really the best gift he's ever gotten
اغمض عيني واتمنى هوانا يدوم
I close my eyes and wish for our love to last
وفي نفس اليوم نكون مع بعض
and that we stay together in the same day
حاجات حلوة كتير بينا وايام احلى
There are many sweet things between us and sweeter days
ما انا وهو في يوم بدأت حياتنا بضحكه
Our lives, him and I, started one day with a laugh
حبيبي تعالى يلا أوام ده بكره بتاعنا
My love, come on and come right away; Tomorrow is ours
عشان يوم اللقا بتبدأ حياة الواحده
because the day of the meeting [of lovers], the girl's life starts
انا اطمنت على نفسي وفرحانه بيه
I now feel secure and happy with him
وخوفه عليا بيحسسني قيمتي انا ايه
And his fear for me1 makes me feel my worth
ده اكتر واحد اتمنيته ليا حبيب
He's the most person I wished for as a lover
وكان لي نصيب اكون انا ليه
And I was lucky enough to be his
حبيبي ولازم ابقى أحن قلب عليه
He's my lover and I must be the most tender heart for him
حنان الدنيا وامانها لقيته انا فيه
The world's tenderness and security I have found in him
وانا جنبه ومهما حصلي مش سايباه
When I'm by his side, no matter what happens, I won't leave him
وواقفه وراه ايدي في ايديه
And I'm standing by him with my hands in his
حاجات حلوة كتير بينا وايام احلى
There are many sweet things between us and sweeter days
ما انا وهو في يوم بدأت حياتنا بضحكه
Our lives, him and I, started one day with a laugh
حبيبي تعالى يلا أوام ده بكره بتاعنا
My love, come on and come right away; Tomorrow is ours
عشان يوم اللقا بتبدأ حياة الواحده
because the day of the meeting [of lovers], the girl's life starts