Translation of the song سيناريو واحد artist Reham Abd Elhakim
سيناريو واحد
One Scenario
سيناريو واحد بعيشه دايما في الحياه
There is one scenario that I always live in life
احب حد وقلبي ياخده بعيد معاه
I love someone and he takes my heart away with him
وكل ذنبي ف اني كنت مصدقاه
And all my fault was that I believed him
متكرره نفس المواقف والحكايه
The same situations and the story are repeated
وكأن لازم يبقى دايما في نهايه
It is as if there must always be an end
لحد امتى هكون ضعيفه قصاد هوايا
Till when will I remain weak before my love?
متعذبه ولوحدي دايما واعمل ايه
Tortured and alone always; what can I do?
ومكدبه الاحساس بحب خدعني بيه
And I'm silencing the feeling with a love he deceived me with1
كان نفسي حد يحس بيا واخاف عليه
I wished for someone to feel me and I'd fear for him
حبيت بقلبي والفراق كان صدمه ليا
I love with my heart and the separation was a shock to me
حكمت عقلي خسرت ناس صغروا في عينيا
I put my brain in control, I lost people who lost my respect2
واكيد ده كله في عمري شىء محسوب عليا
And of course, in life, this all is something that counts against me
متعذبه ولوحدي دايما واعمل ايه
Tortured and alone always; what can I do?
ومكدبه الاحساس بحب خدعني بيه
And I'm silencing the feeling with a love he deceived me with1
كان نفسي حد يحس بيا واخاف عليه
I wished for someone to feel me and I'd fear for him