Translation of the song Sakura, la Caçadora de Cartes - Opening 1 (Català) artist Cardcaptor Sakura (OST)


Sakura, la Caçadora de Cartes - Opening 1 (Català)

English translation

Card Captor Sakura - Opening 1 (Català)

Sakura, la Caçadora de Cartes

Cardcaptor, Sakura

Et vull conèixer, et vull veure,

I want to know, I want to see you

saludar-te... Que soleta estic!

Say hello to you... I am so alone!

No puc dir-t'ho, però vull fer-ho

I can't tell you, but I want to

i, sovint, perdo les grans ocasions.

and I often miss the big opportunities

¿Per què? ¿Per què?

Why? Why?

Jo vull que tots dos obrim les ales

I want both of us to open our wings

i fem junts maratons, anant pel cel,

And do marathons together, through the sky

somniant plegats!

dreaming together!

Que m'atrapes, que t'atrapo! Cuita a córrer!

You catch me, I catch you! Start running!

Mira'm, mira'm, digue'm que m'estimes.

Look at me, look at me, tell me that you love me

Encantada, m'ha agradat moltíssim veure't!

Delighted, I really liked seeing you!

I n'estic segura: dec estar volant pel teu cor, feliç, feliç

And I am sure: I must be flying in your heart, happy, happy

perquè jo sento amor per tu.

because I feel love for you.

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