Translation of the song しっぽのうた artist Sakamoto Maaya



English translation

A Song for the Tail

あさがきたよ さかだちするとけい

Morning has come; the clock does handstands

わらうつくえ そらとんでくぼうし

The desk grins; my hat flies up in the air

わたしおいて くつもでてくから

I chase it, because even my shoes want to go


I'm in a total rush, and spring to my feet

きえたなまえ いみわすれたことば

Words have been forgotten for the meaning of my vanished name

かがみのなか なくなってるしっぽ

In the mirror I cry at what's happened to my tail

きのうまでは ここにいたはずの

Until yesterday, it seems it was here


What did I do?

とりあえず いかなけりゃ

For now, I'd better be off


There's nothing left in this room

まちに ぎもんふがあふれてる

The questions overflow into the town

そっと しんじつはかくれてる

Quietly, the truth is concealed

はでに ぎもんふがさわいでる

The questions are loudly made a big deal over

きっと しんじつはあきれてる

Surely, the truth is shocking

だれもかれも べつのそらをみてる

All the world looks at a different sky

みちをきけば うでたてふせしてる

If I tell the town, I'll be doing pushups

はなすことば にじのようにすぐ

Spoken words are just like a rainbow


A bursting bubble

あしたなんて ただあまいわたがし

Tomorrow is just sweet cotton candy

きのうなんて わすれたこもりうた

Yesterday is a forgotten lullaby

うそとほんと ごちゃまぜミクスピザ

The lies and truth make a big mixed pizza mess


Skillfully unskillful

とりあえず いそがなきゃ

For now, I must hurry

ときのバス まにあうように

Seems I'll be in time for my bath

はしれ こんとんのなぞのなか

In the middle of the mystery of the scampering chaos

いつも しんじつはうそのなか

In the middle of the truth always being a lie

うたえ そんざいのやみのなか

In the middle of the darkness of the complaint's existence

いつか しんじつはきみのなか

In the middle when the truth is you

いつも しんじつはやみのなか

In the middle of the truth always being darkness

いつか しんじつはきみのなか

In the middle of when the truth is you

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