Translation of the song 私へ artist Sakamoto Maaya



English translation

To Me

傘を忘れてきたと気づいて 振り返った駅のホーム

I realised I got here without my umbrella and looked back at the station platform

急ぐ人の流れに押されて 立ち止まることもできない

Pushed by a current of people in a hurry - can't stop and stand still

あのね 私最近落ち込んでる だれも気づかないけど

You know, I've been down lately, though nobody has noticed


When you're alone, the voices in your heart get louder little by little

がんばらなくちゃ 強くならなきゃ

Gotta work harder, gotta get stronger


The more I think this way, the more I want to cry


There will come a time when I can say I miss who I am now, right?

同じような服ばかり選んで 似合う色を決めつけてる

Always choosing the same clothes, I've decided what colours look good on me

みんなと違ってると不安で 私らしいってなんだろう

I feel insecure when I look different from everyone else - what even is being myself?

あのね 好きな人にも ともだちにも 見せない自分がいる

You know, there's a part of me that I don't even show my lover or my friends

いつかすべてをさらけ出せたら 世界は広がるかな

I wonder if the world would become bigger if I ever just let it all out

届いてますか そこにいますか

Are you receiving this? Are you there?

手紙を書く 未来の私へ

I write a letter to future me


It's OK to keep believing that I'll have become a great person by then, right?

ひまわりが月を見上げてる 短い夏を愛おしむように

A sunflower looks up at the moon, as though cherishing the short summer

明日どんな天気でも きっと喜んで咲くだろう

Surely it'll bloom joyfully tomorrow, regardless of the weather

がんばらなくちゃ 強くならなきゃ

Gotta work harder, gotta get stronger


The more I think this way, the more I want to cry


There will come a time when I can say I miss who I am now, right?

どうしてますか 覚えてますか

How are you doing? Do you still remember?

手紙を書く 未来の私へ

I write a letter to future me


It's OK to keep believing that I'll have become a great person by then, right?

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