Translation of the song 涙をふいて artist Diamond Yukai
Wipe Your Tears
あの日 夢をさがして
That day, I searched for a dream.
オレたち愛を 捨てたふたりさ
The two of us, you and me, had both given up on love.
二度と めぐり逢うとは
I never thought, the two of us ever would,
思わなかった この街角で
Meet each other again, here on the street corner.
ぬれた まつ毛ふきなよ
Go dry, those wet eyelashes.
あれからつらい 暮しをしたね
For the longest time, you've had it pretty hard.
やせた お前の肩を
Your shoulders, skinny as they've become,
この手に抱けば すべてがわかる
If I hold them with these hands, it's so easy to tell.
涙をふいて 抱きしめ合えたら
If you wipe your tears, and we embrace each other,
あの日のお前に 戻れるはずさ
The you from long ago, is sure to return.
涙をふいて ほほえみ合えたら
If you wipe your tears, and we smile together,
遠い倖せ きっとふたりで
A far-off happiness, is surely waiting for us.
泣いて 涙枯れても
If you cried, until your tears ran dry,
心に愛は 消せやしないさ
The love in your heart, still wouldn't disappear.
A life spent lost and confused.
今日からお前 離しはしない
Starting this very day, I will never let you go.
涙をふいて 抱きしめ合えたら
If you wipe your tears, and we embrace each other,
どこかで明日が 待ってるはずさ
Tomorrow will be waiting for us somewhere.
涙をふいて 歩いて行けたら
If you wipe your tears, and keep on walking ahead.
遠い倖せ きっとふたりで
A far-off happiness, is surely waiting for us.
涙をふいて 抱きしめ合えたら
If you wipe your tears, and we embrace each other,
あの日の二人に 戻れるはずさ
The you from long ago, is sure to return.
涙をふいて ほほえみ合えたら
If you wipe your tears, and we smile together,
遠い倖せ きっとふたりで
A far-off happiness, is surely waiting for us.