あの日僕が憧れたものは お金や車ではなくて
That day the thing I wanted wasn't money or a car,
わずか数分の物語が まるで友達のようでした
Just a few minutes of a story was like a friend to me
例えば僕が涙流して 悔しさに震える時は
For example, when I cry and shake from frustration
僕の隣で叫んでくれた 友と呼べる唄 出逢えた
It calls out next to me, I met a song I can call a friend
好きなあの人へ 僕の胸の奥
To that person I like, from the back of my heart
ああそうか ほらっ こんなに好きだ
ummm, I guess... I like you this much
The thing that taught me that feeling and everything else...
くれたのは!唄でした サヨナラも唄でした
The thing that gave me that! Was a song! Goodbye was also a song
生きていく その側で 聞こえる「フレフレー!」
Go on living, I can hear by my side hurray hurray
こんな時君ならどうするの? この景色に何を見るの?
What would you do at a time like this? What do you see in this scenery?
The songs I've met up until now make a speech to me one by one
知った風な顔して 大人ぶった人は
People who act grown up make a face like they knew
奪われたんだね 大切な唄
Those precious songs were all stolen away, weren't they?
Then, should we go get them back?
その時も!唄でした 「負けるな」も唄でした
That, too, was a song. Don't lose was a song, too.
生きていく その側で 聞こえる「フレフレー!」
Go on living, I can hear by my side hurray hurray
La la la... melody
Some things you can forget
Some things you shouldn't forget
Always the same, by your side
変わるのは 嗚呼
What changes is... scream
悲しみも 喜びも 叫びも 頑張れも
Sadness, happiness, screams, cheers,
いつでも いつまでも 唄の中にある真実(ホントウ)
Whenever, always, these truths are in songs.
If you feel lost, they'll call your name
生きていく その側で 聞こえる「フレフレー!」
Go on living, by your side you can hear hurray hurray
You can hear hurray hurray