ある晴れたいつものような日は 今日へと繋がる思い出残し
In a sunny always day, I leave memories to now.
あの日見せた真面目な顔つきは 幸せの形を運んでくれました
The sincere face that saw that day carried the shape of happiness.
初めて家に遊びに行った日に 何気に几帳面と知った君
When I went to your home for the first time, I knew you were methodical without any reason.
You took a picture suddenly.
That days we laugh at meaningless things.
We decorate a new photo frame.
こっちを見てる思い出の一枚が 二枚、三枚と増えた
The memories at glance here grew one, two, three.
懐かしいと思える ますます今
I feel very nostalgic now.
これから時が過ぎて 何十回も記念日が訪れても
Time will go by, and the anniversary will come many times
あの時咲いた言葉が 輝き増すよ
That time, bloomed words will increase a glory.
The picture of memory I can't remember how many I took.
They will grow forever.
Let's make an album they hold very much.
僕らが出逢ったあの日から いつまでも
From the day we meet, forever.
晴れ舞台 君の隣で 「いつまでも子供だと思っていた」 と
The big moment, I said to your side, We were children forever
少し寂しい表情を隠し 「幸せになるんだよ」 と笑っていました
You hide on a little sad expression, you smiled and said, Be happy
これからはずっと 僕がこの両手で 守っていくよ
I will save you my hands forever.
あの時の言葉が 今ココに
I have still that words now.
何歳になっても変わらない 幸せの形
The shape of happiness won't change how old we are.
今日まで 今日から いつまでも続いていく
Till now, from today, it will last forever.
何十年もこの先を共に歩もう 今日咲いた一輪の花が枯れないよう
We will walk with you many years, we won't let one blossom flower die.
何百何千回でも 君に話そう 僕の心の奥にある気持ちを
I will talk you many times, a emotion of my within heart.
Let's make an album they hold very much.
We will save the anniversary named today.
ある晴れたいつものような日は 今日へと繋がる思い出残し
In a sunny always day, I leave memories to now.
あの日見せた真面目な顔つきは 幸せの形を運んでくれました
The sincere face that saw that day carried the shape of happiness.