Translation of the song Je pač tako artist Navihanke
Je pač tako
It's just like that
Ko svetla lunca
When the bright moon
nocoj se prikradla je na nebo
found its way up the sky tonight,
sva zmenjena bila
we had agreed
da prišel k meni bo
that he would come to me.
Sem ga čakala
I had waited
le kje zdaj hodi spraševala se
Where is he now, I asked
klicala ga vso noč
called him all night
kdaj pride naj pove
to come, to tell.
Mi prvič reče
Firstly, he says
da je blizu in res
he's close and really
hiti spet drugič
hurrying, secondly,
pravi mi da je doma in spi
he tells me he's home and sleeping.
Ko zopet ga
When again I
dobim od jeze čisto
get him, from anger I completely
skoraj ponorim saj
turn crazy because
hladno reče mi da je s prijatelji
he coldly says he's with friends
Je pač tako, je pač tako
It's just like that, it's just like that
da fantje radi lažejo
boys like to lie
in ne vedo, in ne vedo
and don't know, and don't know
da sploh jim ne verjamemo
we don't believe them.
Je pač tako, je pač tako da
It's just like that, it's just like that
kratke laž ima noge in da
Short lie has legs and that
resnicaprava hitro se izve.
the truth real fast is known
Kje hodil si vso noč to hitro se izve.
Where you've been all night is fast known.
Ko sonce vshaja
When the Sun rises,
in se počasi prebuja
and slowly awakens
dan prihaja fantič
the day comes my boy,
moj ves vesel in nasmejan
all happy and smiling,
Obljube pravljične
fairy-tale promises
Da ponovilo se nikdar ne bo
that it'll never repeat
me ne zanimajo
don't interest me
me ne prepričajo
don't convince me