Translation of the song Cage artist DIR EN GREY
シビレを切らしてる 僕はマゾの血をひき サドの君を待つ
As a descendant from masochists, I'm all out of numbness. I wait for you, the sadist
出来れば 毒のbaiserで
If possible with a poisonous kiss
悲嘆故に美徳見えず 君は最後のMOTHERで
Because of my sorrow, I cannot see virtue, just like the end of you
記憶埋めて気付かれぬように 最初のMOTHER
I bury the memories so you won't notice, just like the beginning
時計は左回りでも 犯した罪は変えれず
Even if the clock runs counterclockwise I cannot undo the sins I've committed
最初で最後の理解者 焼き付けて
The first and last person to understand me burns
嫌がる僕を見て 強くそして優しく無理矢理の決断
You look at me with disgust, strong and gentle. The decision I was forced into
is something I can never tell you.
皮のキシム音が痛い 傷を深めてゆこう
The squealing sound of leather hurts me, let's deepen the wounds
嫉妬深い君は いつでも冷血なの?
Is your jealousy always this cold-blooded?
幼い頃の虐待がね 今でも忘れずにいたい
I want to remember the abuse from my childhood, even now.
何故MOTHERはいないの 教えてよ
Tell me why Mother isn't around.
いつかはやさしさに気付いて 聖母なる 「ゆりかご」 の中で
Someday I'll become aware of kindness inside the cradle that became my mother.
悲痛故に前が見えず 僕の最後のMOTHERで
Because of my sorrow, I cannot look forward, just like the end of me
せめて君に気付かれぬように 最初のMOTHER
At least so you won't notice, just like the beginning.
時計は左回りでも 犯した罪は変えれず
Even if the clock runs counterclockwise I cannot undo the sins I've committed
最初で最後の理解者 壊した
The first and last person to understand me broke
僕には優し過ぎたのかなあ? 昔のトラウマを映し
Were you too kind to me, I wonder? I reflect on my old trauma
Am I a sadist for breaking the last of you?