Translation of the song Viaţa ca o scenă artist Dida Drăgan
Viaţa ca o scenă
Life as a stage
Dacă lumea e o scenă
If the world is a stage
cu actori de mucava,
with cardboard actors,
nu te teme - mai sunt oameni
don't be afraid - there are plenty of people
care cred în steaua mea.
that believe in my star.
Măşti de ceară poartă toţi:
Wax masks are all wearing:
şi eroi, şi hoţi
even heroes and thieves
şi-n acest decor suspect,
and in this suspicious scenery,
încă te aştept!
I'm still waiting for you!
Doar tu, cel din culise eşti
Only you are the one from the backstage
tu, eternul figurant
you, the eternal extra
Aştepţi acum să te aplaud
Now you're waiting for me to applaud you
şi te crezi tot important!
and you still believe that you're important!
Dacă lumea e o scenă
If the world is a stage
cu actori de mucava,
with cardboard actors,
nu te teme - mai sunt oameni
don't be afraid - there are plenty of people
care cred în steaua mea.
that believe in my star.
Măşti de ceară poartă toţi:
Wax masks are all wearing:
şi eroi, şi hoţi
even heroes and thieves
şi-n acest decor suspect,
and in this suspicious scenery,
încă te aştept!
I'm still waiting for you!
Doar tu, cel din culise eşti
Only you are the one from the backstage
tu, eternul figurant
you, the eternal extra
Aştepţi acum să te aplaud
Now you're waiting for me to applaud you
şi te crezi tot important!
and you still believe that you're important!
Doar tu, mereu uitându-ţi rolul,
Only you, always forgetting your role,
ieşi la rampă uneori.
you're sometimes on stage.
Doar tu acum aştepţi zadarnic
Only you are now waiting in vain
şi aplauze şi flori...
applauses and flowers...
Doar tu!...
Only you!
Doar tu, cel din culise eşti
Only you are the one from the backstage
tu eternul figurant
you, the eternal exxtra
Aştepţi acum să te aplaud
Now you're waiting for me to applaud you
şi te crezi tot important!
and you still believe that you're important!
Doar tu, mereu uitându-ţi rolul,
Only you, always forgetting your role,
ieşi la rampă uneori.
you're sometimes on stage.
Doar tu acum aştepţi zadarnic
Only you are now waiting in vain
şi aplauze şi flori...
applauses and flowers...
Numai, numai tu
Only, only you
Numai, numai tu, doar tu!...
Only, only only you!