Translation of the song Zilele ce trec prin mine artist Dida Drăgan
Zilele ce trec prin mine
The days that are passing through me
Zilele ce trec prin mine
The days that are passing through me
să le pot opri aş vrea
I'd want to stop them
Nu mai ştiu nimic de tine
Don't know anything about you
te-am pierdut demult, cândva...
I've lost you once before...
Unde oare eşti acum?...
Where are you now?
Unde eşti, pe care drum?
Where are you, on what road?
Paşii tăi pierduţi prin noapte
Your steps lost in the night
i-am chemat de-atâtea ori
I've called for so many times
mai speram atât că poate
I hoped that maybe
se întorc la mine-n zori..
they're turning to me in the dawn
Nu credeam că vei uita
Didn't believe that you'll forget
tot ce a fost între noi,
what was beetween us,
că m-ai iubit cândva...
that you once loved me
Te voi aştepta mereu
I'll always wait for you
să te întorci la mine
to come back to me
ştii cât îmi e de greu?
do you know how hard it is for me?
Refren x2...
Chorus x2