Translation of the song Pas grandir artist Barbara Pravi


Pas grandir

English translation

Not growing up

Quand on est petit, on rêve d’être grand

When you're little, you dream of being a grown-up.

Un jour, je serai comme papa maman

One day I'll be like Dad and Mom,

J’irai au travail, j’aurai des enfants

I'll go to work, I'll have children.

Devenir un grand c’est dans si longtemps

Growing up is a long way away.

On dit que si j’veux réussir

They say if I want to make it

Faut être bonne à l’école

I have to be good at school

Qu’on ne forge pas son avenir

and you're not shaping your future

Dans la salle de colle

in a detention room.

Que l’école ça apprend la vie

They say school teaches you life,

Mais moi, si j’n’en ai pas envie

but nobody ever asked me

Si j’veux faire ma place autrement

if I liked it or not or wanted

Personne m’a d'mandé mon avis

to settle in another way.

Comment faire si j’veux pas grandir, pas grandir

What should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire pour ne pas grandir, pas grandir

How should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire si j’veux pas grandir, non, pas grandir

What should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire pour ne pas grandir, pas grandir

How should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Quand on est petit, on voit les choses en grand

When you're little you see the big picture1,

Comme dans les films, héros ou méchant

like good guys and bad guys in the movies,

Et puis on apprend que les choses ont un prix

and then you learn that things have a price.

C’est pas d'vant les écrans que l’on apprend la vie

It's not in front of screens that you learn about life.

J’vois bien que quand on est une femme

I can see that, when you're a woman

Il faut tout accepter

you have to accept everything,

Obéir à plus fort que soit

obey to the stronger

Et puis tout encaisser

and put up with everything.

J’veux des amants et pas des maitres

What I want is lovers, not masters,

Car moi je n'veux pas me soumettre

coz I don't want to submit myself.

Être une femme c’est trop compliqué

Being a woman is too complicated,

J’aimerais continuer de rêver

I'd like to keep on dreaming.

Comment faire si j’veux pas grandir, pas grandir

What should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire pour ne pas grandir, pas grandir

How should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire si j’veux pas grandir, non pas grandir

What should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire pour ne pas grandir, pas grandir

How should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Ay ya ah oh ay ya ah pas grandir

...... not growing up

Ay ya ah oh ay ya ah


Il faut être fort et responsable

You have to be strong and responsible,

Y’a plus grand place pour l’insouciance

not much room left for carefreeness.

Si j’avais su j’aurais pris l’temps

Had I known that, I would have taken the time

De rester un peu en enfance

to linger a bit more in my childhood.

Comment faire si j’veux pas grandir, pas grandir

What should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire pour ne pas grandir, pas grandir

How should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire si j’veux pas grandir, non pas grandir

What should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire pour ne pas grandir, pas grandir

How should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire si j’veux pas grandir, pas grandir

What should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire pour ne pas grandir, pas grandir

How should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire si j’veux pas grandir, non pas grandir

What should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Comment faire pour ne pas grandir, pas grandir

How should I do if I don't want to grow up?

Ay ya ah comment faire pour ne oh ay ya ah

.... how should I do not to ....

Pas grandir

grow up?

Ay ya ah oh ya ah pas grandir

...... not growing up

Ay ya ah j’veux pas grandir oh ay ya ah

...... I don't want to grow up oh ...

Ay ya ah j’veux pas grandir oh ay ya ah

...... I don't want to grow up oh ...

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