الما صارت لي
She was not for mine
ولا صرت إلها
And I was not for her
مارح ترجع
She won't come back
وتدق بابي
And she knocks on my door
بس قلبي بعده يدق إلها
But my heart it will knock on her door
غصبا عنها وانا الساكت
Forcibly, while I am silent
غصب عني
Through my compulsion
لو تحضن غيري
If she hugs someone else
راح تبجي وتتذكر حضني
She will cry and remember our hugs
معذوروة وما خانت بيا
She has got nothing to do
مني انحرمت
She deprived of me
والله خطية
Oh, how painful it is
بعيني هيا
In my eyes and my hands, I carry it
وكل عمري بعيني شايلها
And all my life, with my eyes, she will be her
هي بقلبي
She is in my heart
مثل جروحي وخايف قلبي
Like wounds, and I'm afraid that my heart
تزيد اجراحه
His wounds will grow more and more.
واتألم اني
And I'm in pain too
لا مرتاح ولا مرتاحة
I am not comfortable and she is not comfortable too.
تكملني واني اكمل بيها
She completes me, and I complete with her
اتلمس ايديها
Touch her hands
حاضرها اني
I am in her present time
وكل ماضيها
And all of her last memories
وبكنز العالم ما ما بدلها
And in all treasures of the world, I will not exchange her
مثل الطفلة
She is like a child
كبرت عندي واسود صاير
She grew up along me, and with time my dream turned dark
حلمي الوردي
While it was before in the beginnings pink and beautiful
تعدي بفرقتها
It passes from her parting
تاخد روحي يلا تعدي
She takes my soul with it
ضيعنا كل حبنا الغالي
We lost all our dear love
تمنيت تصير
I wished her to be mine
تفكر بيا
Always thinking of me
وهي ابالي
And I'm always thoughts of her
وما ضلت لي وضلت إلها
But She isn't staying with me, and I'm not staying with her