Translation of the song Hejmar artist Mustafa Rêzan

Kurdish (Kurmanji)


English translation


Biçûk bûm bi çarpêyan

I was very small, I was creeping

Li erdê bû dest û piyan

My hands and feet were on the ground

Peyv û axaftin bê ziman

The words were mute

Ez yek salî bûm ew zeman

I was one year old then

Yek yek yek salî bûm

I was one one one year old

Bi çarpêyan hêdî diçûm

I would creep and walk slowly

Ez mezin bûm rabûm piyan

I grew up and stood up

Meşiyam li ser du lingan

I walked on my two feet

Her du dest û her du çavan

With both hands and eyes

Digrim û dibînim deran

I can hold and see everything

Du du, du salî me

I'm two two two years old

Ne pitikim ji kalî me

I'm not a baby now, I've grown

Xweş dilîzim bi hevalan

I play with my friends

Dema lîstik û henekan

In my game times

Li bin siya darên malan

In the shade of the trees of the houses

Se û kuçik dihewtiyan

Dogs barked

Sê sê, sê salî me

I'm three three three years old

Bi derdorê xweşhalî me

I spread happiness my around

Yek, du pişt re sê, çar

One, two then three, four

Bo me zaran asan hejmar

It's easy to count for us kids

Paşê her pênc dikin hewar

Then all five shouts

Ji tiliyên me her yek car

Each of our fingers

Pênc pênc, pênc salî me

I'm five five five years old

Li benda xwendevanî me

I am ready to read now

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