Translation of the song 友達は友達なんだ!) (A Friend is a Friend! artist Berryz Koubou
友達は友達なんだ!) (A Friend is a Friend!
A Friend is a Friend!
ねえ 友情取るふり止めていいんだよ Oh My Friend
Hey, just stop pretending to have my friendship, oh my friend!
そんなの 続かないから Oh My Friend
Because I can't go on like that, oh my friend.
そう 自慢の彼をみんなに一度会わせたら
Yes, because when you let everyone meet your so boasted boyfriend,
then your devotion will go all to him.
OH YEAH 彼無し時代はみんなでつるんで楽し
Oh yeah, in the era without guys, everyone had fun together
and we would talk until morning to each other about our friendship.
でも 一人二人と彼氏が出来はじめたなら
But once one or two of us get their boyfriends,
the priority will be theirs.
Friends are friends.
気を使うくらい 距離のある 友なら
There is no meaning in a pal
only interested in our needs.
また そのうち 語り明かそう
Let's eventually talk all night again.
そう そのうちに ワイワイと
That's right, we will then meet
みんなで 会えるだろう
everyone again and make some noise.
I want to meet these friends
この 仲間で会いたいな
who are so careless.
そう 振られそうになりゃすぐに教えなよ Oh My Friend
Yes, if you are about to be dumped, let me know, oh my friend!
愚痴ぐらい聞いてあげるよ Oh My Friend
I will even listen to your complaints, oh my friend!
けど 仲裁おせっかい半端なでしゃばりしないよ
But, I won't butt in your business to leave it unfinished,
もっと 複雑になるし
or else it would become even more complicated and all.
もち 終わった恋ばな みんなできちんと料理
Once the love talk is wrapped, we'll cook mochi very well
and change the topic into a delicious funny story.
Then, you should be able to go along withe the joke by yourself
and even talk about your hurt.
Friends are friends.
どんな時も 元の位置 戻れる
No matter when, you all can restart,
that is a friend for you.
とは言え 年 一度くらいは
About once in the year, you could say;
そう 昼でも良い ランチして
that's right, even at noon, I want to
exchange information on how to make a good lunch.
I want to meet these friends,
この 仲間で会いたいな
even if they cancel in the last minute.