It was against my will, our relationship,
so I brought myself to cancel it.
You're bold and pushy, always pressing me.
You're certainly a good girl, right?
It is irresistible, right?
You have an interest in me, right?
It is not that I hate you...
Ah 好きな子が居るんだ
Ah, actually I have a girl I like,
そう 君の友達
yes, it is your friend.
Ah 君といつも一緒の
Ah, the one always with you
そう 君の友達
yes, it is your friend.
AH なんか青春は
Ah, somehow youth is
君みたく 強くなりたい
I want to become strong like you.
AH すべて正直に
Ah, I need the courage
As I thought, my confession,
it's hard to put it without the guts.
But, somehow, I'm thinking about how I want to go near her.
You're always here, right?
We're incredibly close, right?
As I'm not able to speak to the one I like,
only you do the talking here, right?
Ah 好きな子が笑った
Ah, the girl I like laughed.
そう 君の友達
Yes, it is your friend.
Ah 好きな子に触れたいな
Ah, I wish I could touch the girl I like,
そう 君の友達
yes, it is your friend.
AH こんな人生を
Ah, I want to make
an eulogy to such a life.
純情な 夢叶えたい
I want this wish from my pure heart to come true.
AH 自分信じて
Ah, I shall believe in myself
怖いけど やらなきゃ
I'm afraid, but I have to do it.
どうして君は いつもそんなに積極的なの
Why are you always so proactive?
嫌いじゃないよ 良い奴だよ
I don't hate you, you are a good pal!
頼りになるし 飽きないし
You're dependable, a good investment.
でも 俺が好きなのは 君じゃないんだ
But the one I like is not you,
I wish you came into your senses.
Even the questions I make with my desperate feelings to that girl I like,
なんでいつも 君が答えるの?
why is it you who always answers?
あぁ どうせなら 君のような根性がほしいよぉ
Ah, in such a case, I want guts just like yours.
AH こんな人生を
Ah, I want to make
an eulogy to such a life.
純情な 夢叶えたい
I want this wish from my pure heart to come true.
AH 自分信じて
Ah, I shall believe in myself
怖いけど やらなきゃ
I'm afraid, but I have to do it.