Translation of the song 鴿子 artist Song Dongye



English translation



Alas, a lost pigeon

我在雙手合十的晚上 渴望一雙翅膀

In the night, pressing my palms together, I'm longing for a pair of wings

飛去南方 南方

Flying southward, southward

儘管再也看不到 無名山的高

Even I have lost sight of the height of the anonymous mountains


Alas, a far-off pigeon

匆匆忙忙的飛翔 只是為了回家

Hustling to fly, only to go home

明天太遠 今天太短

Too far is tomorrow, too short is today

偽善的人來了又走 只顧吃穿

Those hypocrites come and go, only to get their fill

昨天我數到 第二十五顆星星

Yesterday, I counted to the 25th star in Beijing

在北京 第二十五個秋天的夜晚

In the 25th autumn night

收得下過去 也給得了未來

Which affords to accept the past, to promise the future

他們在別有用心的生活裡 翩翩舞蹈

Under the city that has a different motive, they'd dance swiftly

你在我後半生的城市裡 長生不老

In this city for the rest of my life, you'd live long

鴿子啊 你再也不需要翅膀

Alas pigeon, you no longer need the wings

明天冰雪封山的時候 我也光著雙腳

Tomorrow, let the mountain be locked down by the snow and frost, I'd have my feet bare

站在你翻山越嶺的盡頭 正當年少

Winding up at the end after your up- and downhills, I'd be right in my youth

兩千個秘密 沒人知道

There are two thousand secrets that no one knows

請你在春天到來的時候 輕輕歌唱

Please hum for a little when the spring comes

唱一首關於冬天的歌謠 漫漫長長

Sing a song about the winter that seems unending

鴿子啊 我在你溫暖的路上

Alas pigeon, I'm on your warm path

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