كل شي أحبه موت فيك إلآ هالشي
I love everything in you so much apart from this one thing,
إني أدوّر شي ما أحبّه و أعجز
and it's when I look for something I don't love in you but I don't find it
حتى السما قِدّام حبي لك شْوي
even the sky is small in front of my love for you
شفت اشكثر أهواك وأتباهى وأعتز
do you see how much I love you and how much I show off and cherish because of your love?
كل لحظة وانتَ لْعيني الشوف والضي
in every moment, you are the sight and the light of my eyes
وكل نبظة وانت الحب والطيبة والعز
and in every beat, you are the love, the kindness and the almighty
وإنتَ سماي وعالمي وشمسي والفَي
and you are my sky, my world, my sun and my shade
وإنت اللي ضيقة باله بصدري اتحز
and you are the one who his hardship hurt in my chest
لي عين ما يملاها غيرك بشر حي
I have an eye that no other living human apart from you fills it
ولي روحٍ إتفز إن طرو حضرتك فز
and I have a soul that gets scared if you got scared
لك قدر ما يعلم به إلا الوِلي الحي
you have a value that only God knows about
تهتز هالدنيا و قَدرِك مَا يهتز
the world shakes and your value doesn't shake
أهواك..أحبك كنت..والمرحلة ذي
I adore you, I love you, and my heart..
عدّاها قلبي وْباختصارٍ وموجز
has passed this phase and long story short..
إنته أنا حرفياً..وْ إنتَ كل شي
you are me literally.. and you are everything
وإن قلت أبوصِف حبي والله أعجز
and if I said I will describe my love, I swear I'll fail to do that