بلاني زماني بواحد أناني
I have been tested 1 by having such a selfish lover
نسى طيب قلبي وعطفي وحناني
Who forgot my heart's goodness, my kindness and my care2
أنا الـ عشت طيبة مع الناس كلها
I have been good to all people, for all my life 3
ولكني حبيته غلطة زماني
And I loved him, but that was the biggest mistake ever
يا قلبي يا طيب عساك انت طيب
Oh my poor heart, I wish you are ok
يا قلبي ياطيب عساك انت طيب
Oh my poor heart, I wish you are ok
انا بشوقي لبيت له روح روحي
I passionately dedicate my soul to him
وهو يشعل النار ما بين ايديه
But he fires up the fire in my hands
بلاني زماني بواحد أناني
I have been tested by having such a selfish lover
نسى طيب قلبي وعطفي وحناني
Who forgot my heart's goodness, my kindness and my care
أنا الـ عشت طيبة مع الناس كلها
I have been good to all people, for all my life
ولكني حبيته غلطة زماني
And I loved him, but that was the biggest mistake ever
تمنيتك انت هذاك الـ عرفته
I wish you were the guy I knew
حبيبي وطبيبي يداوي جروحي
My beloved, my doctor who remedies my scars
ولكن يا حسرة وألفين مرة
But what a regret! , what a GREAT regret!
وهبتك حياتي وقلبي وروحي
I dedicated my life to you, my heart, my soul
تدوخ لي راسي يا ظالم يا قاسي
You give me hard time, you the harsh unjust person
تدوخ لي راسي ياظالم يا قاسي
You give me hard time, you the harsh unjust person
عشت عمري كله عذاب ومآسي
I have been through troubles and sorrow all my life
وانت مع الدنيا صرتوا عليا
But now, you and the world are against me
بلاني زماني بواحد أناني
I have been tested by having such a selfish lover
نسى طيب قلبي وعطفي وحناني
Who forgot my heart's goodness, my kindness and my care
أنا الـ عشت طيبة مع الناس كلها
I have been good to all people, for all my life
ولكني حبيته غلطة زماني
And I loved him, but that was the biggest mistake ever
بلاني بعشرة غريبة عجيبة
He gave me hard time through this relationship
خلص فيها صبري ومن وين أجيبه !
Where I lost patience, how can I be patient?!
وأنا اللي حسبته لقلبي حبيبه
And I thought he was my heart's lover
طلع أصل همه وناره ولهيبه
Turned out to be he was the source of pain and fire in my chest
يا صبرج يا أنا على هالمهانه
Oh myself, may you have the patience to survive this humiliation
يا صبرج يا أنا على هالمهانه
Oh myself, may you have the patience to survive this humiliation
طلع صح ظني وشكي في مكانه
My doubts were right
مع الناس خيرك وشرك عليا
Your goodness is toward other people, but your bad side is toward me
بلاني زماني بواحد أناني
I have been tested by having such a selfish lover
نسى طيب قلبي وعطفي وحناني
Who forgot my heart's goodness, my kindness and my care
أنا الـ عشتها طيبة مع الناس كلها
I have been good to all people, for all my life
ولكني حبيته غلطة زماني
And I loved him, but that was the biggest mistake ever