Translation of the song قد العطا artist Aseel Hameem


قد العطا

English translation

Already Given

ما عطيت الا و انا قد العطا

I gave, only have I given

و لا خذيت الا الجحود و ضيقته

And (you) Don’t take only the arrogance and narrowness

ما دريت إن الخطا كل الخطا

What you thought was wrong, was all wrong

ترتبط بـ إنسان يعشق غيبته

(being) Linked to someone who enjoys his absence

جرحك اللي داخل أعماقي سطا

Your wound robbed me from deep down inside

كل ماانسى ذكّرتني خيبته

All that I’ve forgotten, has reminded me of his failure

موعدك عاندني كم مرة وبطا

Your appointment insisted me how many times and then slowed down

ليه تتركني أموت بسيرته

Why don’t you leave me to die in my own pace?

قلبي من شانك على جمرك وطا

My heart from your matter/concern has set foot

ليت تنهي هالعناد وضيعته

Would that end his stubbornness and waste?

والا لا جيتك ترجعني الخُطا

If I did not come to you, you would go back to me mistakenly

ينتهي حبٍ قتلني بحيرته

Love ends up killing me with its confusion

كنت اظنّك صاحبي ستر وغطا

I thought you, my friend, covered by a cover

والأمان اللي أخذني لديرته

and took me to the safety of his monestary

ماخسر قلبي من اسباب العطا

My heart hasn't lost reasons to keep giving

ماخسر إلا سبايب طيبته

It hasn't lost (forgotten), except the reasons of its own good

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