Translation of the song Racul, ştiuca şi-un brotac artist Nicu Alifantis


Racul, ştiuca şi-un brotac

English translation

The crab, the pike and a frog

Racul, ştiuca şi-un brotac

The crab, the pike and a frog

Vor, vor, vor dovleacul

want, want, want the pumpkin

Să-l transporte peste-un lac

to carry it on a lake

dus, dus, dus cu sacul

with with with the bag

Ştiuca a-notat ceac-pac

The pike swimmed

Cu-cu-cu dovleacul.

with with with the pumkin

Sprinten el sărea brotacul,

The frog jumped fast

Racul da-napoi, că-i rac.

The crab went backwards as he's a crab

S-au căznit îngrozitor

They struggled hardly

cu dovleacul

with the pumpkin

Numai muncă fără spor

Only work in vain

cu dovleacul

with the pumpkin

Fiindcă sacul neclintit

For the bag

cu dovleacul

with the pumpkin

sta pe loc împotmolit

was stuck

cu dovleacul...

with the pumpkin

Cum să treacă peste lac

How could they pass on the lake

Coşcogeamite dovleac

such a huge pumpkin

Racul, ştiuca şi-un brotac?

The crab, the pike and a frog?

(Racul ştiuca şi brotacul

(The crab, the pike and the frog

Racul ştiuca şi brotacul

The crab, the pike and the frog

Racul ştiuca şi brotacul

The crab, the pike and the frog

Racul ştiuca şi brotacul)

The crab, the pike and the frog)

Racul ştiuca şi brotacul

The crab, the pike and the frog

N-au aflat pe semne leacul

didn't find, they say, the solution

Care să urnească sacul

to move the bag

unde stă pitit dovleacul.

where was the pumpkin

Ei n-au priceput că sacul

They didn't get that the bag

A rămas pe loc săracul

was stuck, poor thing,

că a tras mai fiecare

because each of them pulled it

cum l-a dus pe el dovleacul.

the way they thought

Racul, ştiuca şi brotacul,

The crab, the pike and the frog



S-au căznit îngrozitor

They struggled hardly

cu-cu-cu dovleacul

with the pumpkin

Numai muncă fără spor

Only work in vain

cu-cu-cu-cu-cu dovleacul

with the pumpkin

Fiindcă sacul neclintit

For the bag

cu-cu-cu-cu-cu dovleacul

with the pumpkin

sta pe loc împotmolit

was stuck

cu dovleacul...

with the pumpkin

Cum să treacă peste lac

How could they pass on the lake

coşcogeamite dovleac

such a huge pumpkin

Cum să treacă peste lac

The crab, the pike and a frog?

Racul ştiuca şi-un brotac

(The crab, the pike and the frog

(Racul ştiuca şi-un brotac)

The crab, the pike and the frog

Racul ştiuca şi-un brotac

(The crab, the pike and the frog

(Racul ştiuca şi-un brotac)

The crab, the pike and the frog

Racul ştiuca şi-un brotac?

The crab, the pike and the frog)

(Racul ştiuca şi-un brotac)

(The crab, the pike and the frog

Racul ştiuca şi brotacul

The crab, the pike and the frog

N-au aflat pe semne leacul

didn't find, they say, the solution

Care să urnească sacul

to move the bag

unde stă pitit dovleacul.

where was the pumpkin

Ei n-au priceput că sacul

They didn't get that the bag

A rămas pe loc săracul

was stuck, poor thing,

că a tras cam fiecare

because each of them pulled it

cum l-a dus pe el dovleacu.

the way they thought

Racul, ştiuca şi brotacul,

The crab, the pike and the frog



Racul ştiuca şi brotacul

The crab, the pike and the frog

N-au aflat pe semne leacul

didn't find, they say, the solution

că a tras cam fiecare

because each of them pulled it

cum l-a dus pe el dovleacu.

the way they thought

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