Translation of the song البرواز artist Mohammed Abdu
The Frame
قلتي لي إنسى
You told me to forget.
قلتي لي إنسى
You told me to forget.
ومن يومها وأنا كل ليلة قدامي البرواز
And from that day, I am every night in front of the frame.
حبر العيون ... دمع القلم في دفتري
Eye ink...the tear of the pen in my diary.
في دفتري
In my diary.
وصورتك .. وصورتك
And your picture .. and your picture
رغم الألم .. رغم الألم.. رغم الألم
Despite the pain.. despite the pain.. despite the pain..
ورغم إنها خذت من أطباعك كثير وخانت البرواز
I took from your personality many things before you decide to leave the frame.
وخانت البرواز
Before you leave the frame.
أشوفها في خاطري
This matter affected my feelings.
حبيبتي ما بيدي حيلة
And this is not in my hand, my sweetheart.
لا صرتي الصورة وعيوني البرواز
If you are the picture and my eyes are the frame.
.شلن أبنسى . شلون أبنسى. شلون أبنسى
How could I forget.. How could I forget.. How could I forget?!
أتعبتي الصورة مشاوير
Tired of thought on your picture.
وتعبت أنا بلقى لغدرك معاذير
As well tired of thinking about the reasons for your sudden abandonment.
أتعبتي الصورة مشاوير
Tired of thought on your picture.
وتعبت أنا بلقى لغدرك معاذير
As well tired of thinking about the reasons for your sudden abandonment.
وصورتك اللي سجنت بروازها طول السنين
And your picture that was imprisoned in its image over the years.
كانت جسد وبروازها الروح
It was the body and the frame was the soul.
ويوم نزعت منها الجسد تجرحت أطرافها
On the day the body was removed from it, the limbs were wounded.
وبجروحها راحت لمين ..راحت لمين
And it wounds, where did it go? where did it go?
. لبروازها الثاني .. لبروازها الثاني
For its second frame .. For its second frame
مسكين .مسكين. مسكين. بيسجنك ويبقى سجين
Poor. Poor. Poor. He will be imprisoned and remain in prison as I were.
تشبهلك أقداره خانته
Like you, his fate betrayed him.
وصورتك يجي يوم وتخونه
And your picture comes a day and will betray him.
حبيبتي .. أو للأسف حبيبته
Sweetheart ... or, unfortunately, his sweetheart.
لاصرتي الصورة وجفونه البرواز
When you become the picture and his eyelids become the frame.
وشلون ينسى
And how could I forget?
وشلون ينسى
How could I forget?
حبيبتي.. حبيبتي لأجل أنسى جرحك واستريح
My love .. my love, in order to be able to forget your wound and I be rest.
بأبكي .. وبعد البكى بأبكي
I will cry .. and after crying, I will cry again.
حبيبتي.. حبيبتي لأجل أنسى جرحك واستريح
My love .. my love, in order to be able to forget your wound and I be rest.
بأبكي .. وبعد البكى بأبكي
I will cry .. and after crying, I will cry again.
واكيد في لحظة بتجي وبيجف دمعي
And sure, at the moment you come to me, my tears will dry up.
وبيحف دمعي
my tears will dry up.
وعندها صورتك اللي في عيوني
At this moment, your picture in my eyes.
بتعاف برواز الضمى
It will abandon the frame that causes pain.
بتصير صحرا وهو سما
And its desert will become like the sky.
بتمرني الدمعة الأخيرة
And the last tear will visit me.
بتمرني الدمعة الاخيرة
The last tear will visit me.
تاخذ معاها صورتك وتطيح
It will take your picture and take it away.
وكني بهالدمعة سكين جرحها وجهي
As if these tears were like a knife been wound in my face.
وكني بالمسافة تطول ما بين عيني ودمعتي وخدي
As if the distance is getting long between my eyes, my tear and my cheek.
وكني بقلبي الحاير المسكين نبضه يقول
As if my poor confused heartbeat is saying:
لا تودع الفرقى .. الدمع ما يرقى
No matter how far a way you are, the tears will be subside at the end.
وعندها لانزلت الدمعة من الجرح الأخير
And when tears fall from the last wound.
لانزلت الدمعة من الجرح الأخير
Tears fall from the last wound.
وفارقت وجهي أنا
And left my face.
وفارقت وجهي انا
Left my face.
بغمض عيوني وكسر البرواز
I will close my eyes, and I will break the frame.
..وأكيد بنسى
And for sure, I will forget.
اكيد أبنسى
I will forget, definitely.