Translation of the song Azizim artist Yulduz Usmonova
My Dear
Sevgimiz o'ldimi, libosingiz ko'k,
Did our love die, why are you dressed in blue
Ko'nglingiz begulxan, ko'zingiz becho'g'.
Your soul is without fire, your eyes are without embers
Bizdan borish yo'qdir, sizdan kelish yo'q -
There is no going from us, there is no coming from you
Kelishsiz dunyoda beg'am, azizim,
My dear is worry free in the world without coming
Nega ko'zlaringiz benam, azizim.
Why are not your eyes damp my dear
O't yetdi - qaqshatdi band-bandlarimni,
Fire reached and dried up my branches
Tuproqqa sochdingiz balandlarimni.
You threw to the soil by highs
Aqlimni, dilimni - bebaxtlarimni,
My brains, my soul, my unhappiness
Borishsiz dunyoga otgan, azizim,
My dear who passed in the world without going,
Olisda oy kabi botgan, azizim.
Far away setting like a moon my dear
Ammo siz sarg'aymang - gulli bog' bo'ling,
Abut you don't fade, become a blooming garden
Yam-yashil ko'karing, mudom sog' bo'ling.
Stay green like leaves, be always healthy
Bahorning bag'rida beadog' bo'ling -
In springs embrace be endless
Axir, qarg'aganim sizmas, azizim,
Because you are not whom I curse
Ikki kuz dunyoga sig'mas, azizim
Two falls do not fit in one world, my dear.