Translation of the song Bahor artist Yulduz Usmonova



English translation


Ko‘z ochgan kurtaklar ko‘zimga chiroy,

The blossom of buds delight my eyes,

Bulbullar bayoti so‘zimga chiroy.

The songs of nightingales adorn my words.

Tog‘da qolgan qorlar endi xush qoling,

Farewell, the snow of the mountains

Keldingmi munisam, onam, ko‘klamoy.

You have come, my dear mother spring.

Biz seni sog‘indik, ey xokisorim,

We have missed you, our pristine,

Sen ham bizni sog‘indingmi, bahorim?(×2)

Have you missed us, my spring?(×2)

Seningsiz yozning ham yozligi yolg‘on,

Without you summer seems spurious.

Kuzning etagiga to‘kilmas xazon.

There is no leaf in autumn's skirts.

Qishning ertagini kim ham tinglardi,

Who believes in winter's tales,

Bag‘rida bahorni ko‘rmasa omon.

Until he feels spring safe in his embrace.

Orazi oftobim, ko‘zi xumorim

Image like Sun, with languid eyes

Sen ham bizni sog‘indingmi, bahorim?(×4)

My spring, have you missed us? (×4)

Yomg‘irlaring boshqa, chaqmog‘ing boshqa,

Your rains are different, your lightnings are different,

Bulutlar yarashgan qabog‘ing boshqa.

Your sky is different, where clouds suit you

Chehrangdan aylanay, jonim momo yer,

I admire your face, my dear motherland,

Yalpizlar yarashgan yanog‘ing boshqa.

Your cheeks are different, where lavenders suit you.

Maysaning, chechakning, gulning egasi,

The hostess of grass, buds and flowers,

Oshiqlar axtargan baxtning egasi.

The hostess of happiness which seeking lovers,

Men seni hammadan ko‘proq sog‘indim,

I have missed you most of all,

To‘tr fasl ichida ko‘nglim erkasi.

You are my darling among the seasons.

Ko‘zlarga sig‘magan, gulim, gulzorim,

My immense flowers and yards,

Sen ham bizni sog‘indingmi, bahorim?(×2)

My dear spring, have you missed us,?(×2)

Topilgan tumorim, atru iforim,

My found mascot, my sweet fragrance,

Sen ham bizni sog‘indingmi, bahorim?(×2)

My dear spring, have you missed us? (×2)

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