Translation of the song Love you, Miss you artist Kana Nishino
Love you, Miss you
love you miss you
Even when you say “You’re so cute”
I don’t feel happy inside
If “Love is not determined by age”
Then it’s unfair that you treat me like a child
I don't know why
I don’t know why
いつの間にI'm a love aholic
Since when, I’m a love aholic
How do you like it?
How do you like it?
Hey, what kind of girl do you like?
もっとオトナっぽく もう少し早く
If I can be more adult-like
生まれていたなら… なんて
Be born a little earlier… Maybe
I love you キュンとするこの心も
I love you, my throbbing heart
I love you 初めて見せた素顔も
I love you, the first honest face I showed
全部君だけのもの 誰にもあげないの
It’s all yours, I won’t give it to anyone else
Everyday I'm really lovin' you
Everyday I’m really lovin’ you
I want you to look at me more
I love you 本当は四六時中でも
I love you, really, day and night
I want to stay beside you
yeah いつまでも
yeah, always
Even when you say “She’s just a friend”
I feel a little doubt inside
If “Love is not determined by age”
Then it’s unfair that you put the blame on work
I don't know why
I don’t know why
いつだって You're a work aholic
Always, You’re a work aholic
How do you like me?
How do you like me?
Hey, just how much do you like me?
手強いライバルは あのsuper sexy woman
My strong rival is that super sexy woman
生まれ変われたら… なんて
If I could be reborn… Maybe
I miss you ギュッと抱きしめる腕も
I miss you, your arms which hold me tight
I miss you そっと繋ぐ手のひらも
I miss you, your hand which holds mine gently
全部私だけのもの 誰にもあげないの
It’s all mine, I won’t give it to anyone else
Everyday I'm really missin' you
Everyday I’m really missin’ you
I want to look at you more
I miss you 本当は四六時中でも
I miss you, really, day and night
I want to stay beside you
yeah いつまでも
yeah, always
I don't know why
I don’t know why
完全に I'm you aholic
Totally, I’m you aholic
Because I can’t be your first woman
I’ll try to make this your last love
I love you キュンとするこの心も
I love you, my throbbing heart
I love you 初めて見せた素顔も
I love you, the first honest face I showed
全部君だけのもの 誰にもあげないの
It’s all yours, I won’t give it to anyone else
Everyday I'm really lovin' you
Everyday I’m really lovin’ you
I want you to look at me more
I love you 本当は四六時中でも
I love you, really, day and night
I want to stay beside you
yeah いつまでも
yeah, always