Translation of the song Apiádate de mí artist David Bisbal
Apiádate de mí
have mercy on me
Me diste el corazón
you gave me the heart
pero no estaba yo
but it wasn' t me
mientras soñabas cada noche
while you were dreaming every night
con mi piel
of my skin
y me extrañabas tú
and I missed you
y me alejaba yo
and I was walking away
El tiempo así se fue
the time passed just like that
y tú esperándome
and you were waiting for me
y se hizo tarde
and it was late
porque nunca yo llegué,
because I never came
y hoy te vengo a buscar
and today I was lookiong for you
pero te has ido ya
but you were already gone
Y ahora que ya no estás
and now that you are gone
no sé aceptar lo que perdí
I don' t know how to accept that I lost
arranca este dolor
tear away this pain
porque sin ti no se vivir
becuse without you I don' t know how to live
apiádate de mi
have mercy on. me
reclama ya el amor que no te di,
reclame now the love I didn' t give to you
por favor vuelve a mi
please come back to me
porque me muero yo
because I'm dying
sin tu amor
without your love
Hoy no sé a donde vas
today I don' t know where you are going
y ahora te espero yo
and now I am waiting for you
solo me queda el gran silencio
I only have a big silence
de tu voz,
of your voice
y ahora descubro que
and now I found out that
yo siempre te adoré
I have always adored you
Y ahora que ya no estás
and now that you are gone
no se aceptar lo que perdí
I don t know how to accept that I lost
arranca este dolor
tear away this pain
porque sin ti no se vivir,
because without you I don' t know how to live
apiádate de mi
have mercy on me
reclama ya el amor que no te di,
reclame now the love I didn' t give to you
por favor vuelve a mi
please come back to me
porque me muero yo...
because I'm dying
Dime tú donde te escondes
tell me where you are hiding
te suplico me perdones
I am begging you to forgive me
yo te amaré
I will love you
como no lo hice ayer
like I never did yesterday
Apiádate de mi
have mercy on me
reclama ya el amor que no te di,
reclame now the love I didn' t give to you
por favor vuelve a mi
please come back to me
porque me muero yo
because I am dying
sin tu amor...
witout your love
sin tu amor...
without your love