Translation of the song Har heiti eldur brann artist Eivør


Har heiti eldur brann

English translation

Where the Hot Fire Burned

Lat meg leiða teg á mín loyniveg,

Let me lead you on my secret path,

Har heiti eldur brann,

Where the hot fire burned,

Og enn hann brenna man.

And it will still burn.

Tí hjarta mítt tað slær bara fyri tær,

Since my heart, it beats only for you,

So kom tú nú við mær,

So now come with me,

Meðan sól enn sær.

While the sun still shines.

Í náttardreymum síggi eg teg,

In nighttime dreams I see you,

Onga sjón so fagra sæð havi eg,

I've seen no sight as beautiful,

Tá kann mítt hjarta finna frið trygt við tína lið.

Then my heart can find peace safe at your side.

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